CodeUp Level
Suitable for age range 12 up to 17 years old
10 Session 90 Per minute
Exercises and Projects
Student Student Student Student Student
8116 Registered People


Overview of Level 1 Topics

Comparison and Logical Operators

Condition (if - elif - else)

Nested Conditions

Conditional Loop (while)

Working with the random and time Libraries

Rock, Paper, Scissors game

Final Project

Final Project

In the second level, you will enter the world of conditions and control statements. In this section, you will learn how to create smarter programs using conditional statements like if, else, and elif. You will also become familiar with comparison and logical operators and learn how to use them in your programs. The while loop, counters, and how to optimize code will also be covered at this level. The random library allows you to generate random numbers, which is very useful in games and simulations! The time library lets you compare different times and even pause the program for a specified duration. Finally, you can implement the rock, paper, scissors game as your final project with your own creativity.


The prerequisite for this course is mastery of input, output, variable types, working with arithmetic operations, and familiarity with the turtle library in Python.

Programming Path CodeUp

What concepts are taught in this path?

On this journey, you will get familiar with the basic concepts of programming. Initially, you will learn the concept of variables and how to work with input and output, and then you will be introduced to conditions, loops, functions, and recursive functions. You will also learn how to use lists and dictionaries in Python.

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