CodeBattle 3
Introductory Programming Competition with No Prerequisites
12095 Students
Registering from all over Iran for this competition.
About CodeBattle
About CodeBattle
CodeBattle is a series of programming competitions designed for children and teenagers. The Iranian Programming Community (Quera), which is the first platform for hosting online programming competitions in Iran and has held over 1,000 competitions so far, is now organizing CodeBattle to create the most reputable and largest programming competitions for students!
The third CodeBattle will be held for all students in the country for free on November 15, 2024. In this competition, you need to compete with others using a block language (or Scratch) and test your chances of winning exciting prizes! Here, you can compete at any level and with any ability, win prizes, become familiar with computational thinking skills, and challenge your creativity. In the first and second CodeBattles, 7,777 participants from 490 cities in Iran took part, and a total of 173 students won over 90 million tomans in prizes!
Remember, you don’t need to know programming beforehand, and if you haven't programmed before, don’t worry because you can learn what you need to know on the playfield before the competition!
In this CodeBattle, we will have two levels; Level A for children in grades 1 to 6, and Level B for children in grades 7 to 12. The competitions will be held simultaneously for both levels, but they will have their own questions and scoring tables.
In this competition, medals and prizes will be awarded to the top 15 participants in each level. Participants ranked 1 to 5 will receive gold medals, participants ranked 6 to 10 will receive silver medals, and participants ranked 11 to 15 will receive bronze medals.
Prizes: codeBattle
In Code Battle 3, more than 110 students from Juniora receive various gifts.

Gold, silver, and bronze medalists; positions 1 to 15 of each level

First place of provinces with more than 50 participants at each level.
500,000 Tomans Discount
500,000 Toman discount on enrollment in Juniora courses.
30 winners will be randomly selected from ranks 16 to 150 nationwide.
400,000 tomans Discount
400,000 Toman discount on enrollment in Juniora courses.
20 winners will be randomly selected from ranks 151 to 250 nationwide.
300,000 tomans Discount
300,000 Toman discount on registration for Juniora courses.
Even if you only solve one question from the competition, you will receive a discount code worth 300,000 Toman.
Register for CodeBattle
You have time to register until the competition starts! You don't need to pay any fees. Just make sure to enter your information correctly so that if you win, you won't have any issues receiving your prize! Also, make sure to verify your identity there so that you can participate in the competition.
Get Ready for CodeBattle
Before the competition, a playground will be opened for you. You can familiarize yourself with the environment of the Code Battle and practice to get ready for the competition. To enter the playground, you first need to register.
Join CodeBattle
This competition will be held at 16:05 on Thursday, November 24, 2024, and will last for two hours.
In codeBattle: What happened...
Total Value of Prizes
Participant from
Winner of the CodeBattle Awards
In the two Code Battle contests 1 and 2, 7,777 students from 490 different cities in Iran competed using a block-based programming language (or Scratch) and tested their chances of winning the exciting prizes of this competition. Among these students, 173 were able to win Code Battle prizes.
Do we have to know programming to participate in the Code Battle?
No, this code battle is held in block language (Scratch), and if you don't know programming, you can still participate.
Do we have to pay a fee to participate in Code Battle?
No, this competition is completely free.
Who is CodeBit suitable for?
All children and teenagers aged 7 to 17 can participate.
Which programming language should we code in?
The questions in CodeBot are in block language, and anyone who has experience working with one of the block programming languages like Scratch or App Inventor, etc., can participate in this competition.
What does playground mean?
This section is prepared for better preparation and familiarity with the CodeBattle questions, and you can use it after registration.
What are the rules of CodeBattle?
🟣 Each question has a specific score, which may differ from the scores of other questions.
🟣 The score for questions decreases over time. After each minute passes from the start of the code battle, one point is deducted from the score of all questions. For example, if a question has 1000 points and you manage to solve it after 20 minutes, you will receive 980 points.
🟣 During the code battle, you should not seek help from anyone.
🟣 If you encounter any problems during the code battle, you can ask support, but answers will not be provided to messages related to the solutions of the competition questions.
🟣 You must verify your identity to participate in the competition.
🟣 Each individual can receive a maximum of one prize.
🟣 The first place winners in provinces with more than 50 participants will receive a prize. If a province has fewer than 50 participants, the top performers in that province will not receive a provincial prize.
🟣 Prizes will only be sent to the residence city of the top participants.
What are the CodeBattle prizes?
🟣 First place in each level: Xiaomi mobile phone model Redmi A3
🟣 Second place in each level: MiBro Bluetooth earbuds model Earbuds 2
🟣 Third place in each level: MiBro smartwatch model C2 global
🟣 Medal winners (first to fifteenth place in each level): Board game
🟣 First place in each province: Board game
🟣 The three participants with the most competition invitations: MiBro smartwatch model C2 global
🟣 30 discount codes of 500,000 Toman to be drawn among participants ranked 16 to 151 nationally in each level
🟣 20 discount codes of 400,000 Toman to be drawn among participants ranked 151 to 250 nationally in each level
🟣 A discount code of 300,000 Toman to anyone who solves at least one question from the competition
How do I authenticate?
To complete the authentication, simply click on "My User Panel," and then at the top of the page, you will see the button "Authenticate in less than two minutes," where you can follow the steps.
What is the level classification of the third series of the CodeBattle competition?
The competition will be held on November 15, 2024, at 16:05 in two levels, A and B. Level A is specifically for participants in grades 1 to 6 of elementary school, and level B is for participants in grades 7 to 12 of secondary school. The questions, scoring table, and prizes for these two levels are separate from each other.
پایه تحصیلیم درست نیست! چیکار کنم؟
اگه پایه تحصیلیت قبل از احراز هویتت درست نیست، اشکال نداره. با انجام احراز هویت، این موضوع به طور اتوماتیک درست میشه
در طی مسابقه اگه سوالی داشتم، چه طور میتونم از پشتیبانی بپرسم؟
در طول زمان برگزاری مسابقه، سؤالاتت رو فقط از طریق پیامرسان «شاد» با آیدی "codebattle@" و یا قسمت «پشتیبانی» در صفحات برگزاری کدبتل، بپرس. اگه با سیستم(لپتاپ و یا کامپیوتر) مسابقه رو شرکت کنی، داخل صفحه برگزاری مسابقه، از منو سمت راست قسمت "پشتیبانی" رو میتونی ببینی و اگه با گوشی بیای، داخل صفحه برگزاری مسابقه، نوار پایین گزینه "پشتیبانی" رو میتونی انتخاب کنی. با توجه به حجم بالای سؤالات مربوط به کدبتل، متأسفانه امکان پاسخگویی به سؤالاتی که در بسترهای دیگه پرسیده بشه وجود نداره!
No matter what your level and ability is, you can participate in CodeBattle and try your luck at winning awesome prizes; because in CodeBattle, you don't have to code, and the competition is more like a game!