
Overview of Level 3 Topics
Lists and Converting Them to Strings
Useful List Functions
Useful Dictionary Functions
Working with the Translate Library and Tkinter
Audio Translator
Final Project
Final Project
In level four, you will fully learn about lists, dictionaries, and the related functions. Lists allow you to store and manage a collection of elements. Using functions like len, append, copy, and pop, you can determine the size of lists, add new elements to them, copy them, or remove specific elements. You will also learn how to convert strings to lists and vice versa, using the join statement to combine list elements into a string. Dictionaries allow you to store data in the form of key-value pairs. You will learn how to create and manage dictionaries, how to add new elements to them, modify existing elements, or delete them. Functions like key and value let you access and work with the keys and values of a dictionary. The translate library enables you to translate texts into different languages. This library is very useful for applications that require language translation. You can translate texts into various languages using different APIs and create multilingual programs. The tkinter library is a powerful tool for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Python. Using this library, you can create windows, buttons, forms, and other graphical elements. This library is very suitable for building desktop applications with a beautiful and user-friendly interface.
What concepts are taught in this path?
On this journey, you will get familiar with the basic concepts of programming. Initially, you will learn the concept of variables and how to work with input and output, and then you will be introduced to conditions, loops, functions, and recursive functions. You will also learn how to use lists and dictionaries in Python.
Maybe your question too
Here we’ve listed some common questions raised by Juniora users so that if you have the same question, you can find our answer.
If I register today, when will the classes take place?
After finalizing your registration, you will be contacted, and with your coordination, your class will start a few days after registration and level determination. Of course, if necessary, you can start your class later.
How are the online courses held?
The online class is conducted with the presence of a teacher, and the educational content and exercises are provided to the students on the platform.
Why should individuals who do not intend to pursue a degree in computer science also complete these courses?
Because they learn computational thinking skills, which are useful and applicable in all their daily activities and professions.
How can I create my own game?
By learning Python programming and completing level 2, you can start game development at a basic level and create your own games.
Is computer and programming education also beneficial for elementary school students?
The main goal of Juniora's courses is to teach computational thinking skills, and reliable scientific sources indicate that the effectiveness of this skill is even greater in younger age groups.
I don't know English, can I still program?
You don't need to know English to start learning programming.