Participation rules for the competition

  • Each question has a specific score that may be different from the scores of other questions.
  • The score for questions decreases over time. After each minute that passes since the start of the code battle, one point is deducted from the score of all questions. For example, if a question has a score of 1000 points and you manage to solve it after 20 minutes, you will receive 980 points.
  • During the coding battle, you should not seek help from anyone.
  • If you encounter a problem during the CodeBattle event, you can ask the support team, but questions related to the solutions of the competition problems will not be answered.
  • Make sure to complete your verification before the competition so you can participate.
  • Each individual will receive a maximum of one prize.
  • The first place in provinces that have more than 50 participants will receive a prize. If a province has less than 50 participants, the top performers from that province will not receive a provincial prize.
  • Prizes will only be sent to the city of residence of the top participants.
  • این مسابقه، در دو سطح A و B برگزار میشه. سطح A مختص به شرکت‌کنندگان پایه تحصیلی اول تا ششم ابتدایی و سطح B مختص به شرکت‌کنندگان پایه تحصیلی هفتم تا دوازدهم متوسطه. سوالات، جدول امتیازات و جوایز این دو سطح جدا از هم دیگه هستن. حواست باشه که پایه تحصیلی‌ت رو درست وارد کنی. سوالات سطح A شامل سوالات maze، پرنده و نقاشی هست. سوالات سطح B شامل سوالات maze، پرنده، نقاشی و انیمیشن هست.
  • اگه از مدرسه فارغ‌التحصیل شده‌باشی، نمیتونی وارد مسابقه بشی چون مسابقه مخصوص دانش‌آموزان هستش.

نظرتو بهمون بگو

با شرکت توی نظرسنجی بهمون کمک می‌کنی تا بتونیم کدبتل‌های بعدی رو با کیفیت بهتری برگزار کنیم.