CodeUp - CodeUp Level 1

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Python as a Calculator

Write a program that performs the following calculations in Python and prints the output of each one on a separate line.

13 ÷ 12 + 16 x 4
23 + 18 x 12 ÷ 48

Write the program code on the opposite page and then run it. If the output result of your code is correct, submit it to get the score for this exercise.

Exercise Solution Video First, try to solve the question by yourself. If you can't, watch the solution video:

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Python as a Calculator

Write a program that performs the following calculations in Python and prints the output of each one on a separate line.

13 ÷ 12 + 16 x 4
23 + 18 x 12 ÷ 48

Write the program code on the opposite page and then run it. If the output result of your code is correct, submit it to get the score for this exercise.

Exercise Solution Video First, try to solve the question by yourself. If you can't, watch the solution video:

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