{"version":3,"file":"tex-svg-CA_dA9No.js","sources":["../../../resources/js/mathjax/tex-svg.js"],"sourcesContent":["(function () {\n 'use strict';\n var __webpack_modules__ = {\n 351: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n },\n Q =\n (this && this.__read) ||\n function (t, e) {\n var r = 'function' == typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator];\n if (!r) return t;\n var n,\n o,\n i = r.call(t),\n Q = [];\n try {\n for (; (void 0 === e || e-- > 0) && !(n = i.next()).done; )\n Q.push(n.value);\n } catch (t) {\n o = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n n && !n.done && (r = i.return) && r.call(i);\n } finally {\n if (o) throw o.error;\n }\n }\n return Q;\n },\n T =\n (this && this.__spreadArray) ||\n function (t, e, r) {\n if (r || 2 === arguments.length)\n for (var n, o = 0, i = e.length; o < i; o++)\n (!n && o in e) ||\n (n || (n = Array.prototype.slice.call(e, 0, o)),\n (n[o] = e[o]));\n return t.concat(n || Array.prototype.slice.call(e));\n },\n s =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e\n ? 'Object is not iterable.'\n : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.AssistiveMmlHandler =\n e.AssistiveMmlMathDocumentMixin =\n e.AssistiveMmlMathItemMixin =\n e.LimitedMmlVisitor =\n void 0);\n var a = r(4474),\n l = r(9259),\n c = r(7233),\n u = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n (e.prototype.getAttributes = function (e) {\n return t.prototype.getAttributes\n .call(this, e)\n .replace(/ ?id=\".*?\"/, '');\n }),\n e\n );\n })(l.SerializedMmlVisitor);\n function p(t) {\n return (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n (e.prototype.assistiveMml = function (t, e) {\n if (\n (void 0 === e && (e = !1),\n !(this.state() >= a.STATE.ASSISTIVEMML))\n ) {\n if (!this.isEscaped && (t.options.enableAssistiveMml || e)) {\n var r = t.adaptor,\n n = t\n .toMML(this.root)\n .replace(/\\n */g, '')\n .replace(//g, ''),\n o = r.firstChild(r.body(r.parse(n, 'text/html'))),\n i = r.node(\n 'mjx-assistive-mml',\n {\n unselectable: 'on',\n display: this.display ? 'block' : 'inline',\n },\n [o],\n );\n r.setAttribute(\n r.firstChild(this.typesetRoot),\n 'aria-hidden',\n 'true',\n ),\n r.setStyle(this.typesetRoot, 'position', 'relative'),\n r.append(this.typesetRoot, i);\n }\n this.state(a.STATE.ASSISTIVEMML);\n }\n }),\n e\n );\n })(t);\n }\n function h(t) {\n var e;\n return (\n (e = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n for (var e = [], r = 0; r < arguments.length; r++)\n e[r] = arguments[r];\n var n = t.apply(this, T([], Q(e), !1)) || this,\n o = n.constructor,\n i = o.ProcessBits;\n return (\n i.has('assistive-mml') || i.allocate('assistive-mml'),\n (n.visitor = new u(n.mmlFactory)),\n (n.options.MathItem = p(n.options.MathItem)),\n 'addStyles' in n && n.addStyles(o.assistiveStyles),\n n\n );\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n (e.prototype.toMML = function (t) {\n return this.visitor.visitTree(t);\n }),\n (e.prototype.assistiveMml = function () {\n var t, e;\n if (!this.processed.isSet('assistive-mml')) {\n try {\n for (\n var r = s(this.math), n = r.next();\n !n.done;\n n = r.next()\n ) {\n n.value.assistiveMml(this);\n }\n } catch (e) {\n t = { error: e };\n } finally {\n try {\n n && !n.done && (e = r.return) && e.call(r);\n } finally {\n if (t) throw t.error;\n }\n }\n this.processed.set('assistive-mml');\n }\n return this;\n }),\n (e.prototype.state = function (e, r) {\n return (\n void 0 === r && (r = !1),\n t.prototype.state.call(this, e, r),\n e < a.STATE.ASSISTIVEMML &&\n this.processed.clear('assistive-mml'),\n this\n );\n }),\n e\n );\n })(t)),\n (e.OPTIONS = i(i({}, t.OPTIONS), {\n enableAssistiveMml: !0,\n renderActions: (0, c.expandable)(\n i(i({}, t.OPTIONS.renderActions), {\n assistiveMml: [a.STATE.ASSISTIVEMML],\n }),\n ),\n })),\n (e.assistiveStyles = {\n 'mjx-assistive-mml': {\n position: 'absolute !important',\n top: '0px',\n left: '0px',\n clip: 'rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px)',\n padding: '1px 0px 0px 0px !important',\n border: '0px !important',\n display: 'block !important',\n width: 'auto !important',\n overflow: 'hidden !important',\n '-webkit-touch-callout': 'none',\n '-webkit-user-select': 'none',\n '-khtml-user-select': 'none',\n '-moz-user-select': 'none',\n '-ms-user-select': 'none',\n 'user-select': 'none',\n },\n 'mjx-assistive-mml[display=\"block\"]': {\n width: '100% !important',\n },\n }),\n e\n );\n }\n (e.LimitedMmlVisitor = u),\n (0, a.newState)('ASSISTIVEMML', 153),\n (e.AssistiveMmlMathItemMixin = p),\n (e.AssistiveMmlMathDocumentMixin = h),\n (e.AssistiveMmlHandler = function (t) {\n return (t.documentClass = h(t.documentClass)), t;\n });\n },\n 5282: function (t, e) {\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 });\n var r = new Map();\n e.default = r;\n },\n 5445: function (t, e, r) {\n var n =\n (this && this.__createBinding) ||\n (Object.create\n ? function (t, e, r, n) {\n void 0 === n && (n = r);\n var o = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r);\n (o &&\n !('get' in o\n ? !e.__esModule\n : o.writable || o.configurable)) ||\n (o = {\n enumerable: !0,\n get: function () {\n return e[r];\n },\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(t, n, o);\n }\n : function (t, e, r, n) {\n void 0 === n && (n = r), (t[n] = e[r]);\n }),\n o =\n (this && this.__setModuleDefault) ||\n (Object.create\n ? function (t, e) {\n Object.defineProperty(t, 'default', {\n enumerable: !0,\n value: e,\n });\n }\n : function (t, e) {\n t.default = e;\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__importStar) ||\n function (t) {\n if (t && t.__esModule) return t;\n var e = {};\n if (null != t)\n for (var r in t)\n 'default' !== r &&\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, r) &&\n n(e, t, r);\n return o(e, t), e;\n },\n Q =\n (this && this.__awaiter) ||\n function (t, e, r, n) {\n return new (r || (r = Promise))(function (o, i) {\n function Q(t) {\n try {\n s(n.next(t));\n } catch (t) {\n i(t);\n }\n }\n function T(t) {\n try {\n s(n.throw(t));\n } catch (t) {\n i(t);\n }\n }\n function s(t) {\n var e;\n t.done\n ? o(t.value)\n : ((e = t.value),\n e instanceof r\n ? e\n : new r(function (t) {\n t(e);\n })).then(Q, T);\n }\n s((n = n.apply(t, e || [])).next());\n });\n },\n T =\n (this && this.__generator) ||\n function (t, e) {\n var r,\n n,\n o,\n i,\n Q = {\n label: 0,\n sent: function () {\n if (1 & o[0]) throw o[1];\n return o[1];\n },\n trys: [],\n ops: [],\n };\n return (\n (i = { next: T(0), throw: T(1), return: T(2) }),\n 'function' == typeof Symbol &&\n (i[Symbol.iterator] = function () {\n return this;\n }),\n i\n );\n function T(i) {\n return function (T) {\n return (function (i) {\n if (r)\n throw new TypeError('Generator is already executing.');\n for (; Q; )\n try {\n if (\n ((r = 1),\n n &&\n (o =\n 2 & i[0]\n ? n.return\n : i[0]\n ? n.throw || ((o = n.return) && o.call(n), 0)\n : n.next) &&\n !(o = o.call(n, i[1])).done)\n )\n return o;\n switch (\n ((n = 0), o && (i = [2 & i[0], o.value]), i[0])\n ) {\n case 0:\n case 1:\n o = i;\n break;\n case 4:\n return Q.label++, { value: i[1], done: !1 };\n case 5:\n Q.label++, (n = i[1]), (i = [0]);\n continue;\n case 7:\n (i = Q.ops.pop()), Q.trys.pop();\n continue;\n default:\n if (\n !((o = Q.trys),\n (o = o.length > 0 && o[o.length - 1]) ||\n (6 !== i[0] && 2 !== i[0]))\n ) {\n Q = 0;\n continue;\n }\n if (\n 3 === i[0] &&\n (!o || (i[1] > o[0] && i[1] < o[3]))\n ) {\n Q.label = i[1];\n break;\n }\n if (6 === i[0] && Q.label < o[1]) {\n (Q.label = o[1]), (o = i);\n break;\n }\n if (o && Q.label < o[2]) {\n (Q.label = o[2]), Q.ops.push(i);\n break;\n }\n o[2] && Q.ops.pop(), Q.trys.pop();\n continue;\n }\n i = e.call(t, Q);\n } catch (t) {\n (i = [6, t]), (n = 0);\n } finally {\n r = o = 0;\n }\n if (5 & i[0]) throw i[1];\n return { value: i[0] ? i[1] : void 0, done: !0 };\n })([i, T]);\n };\n }\n },\n s =\n (this && this.__importDefault) ||\n function (t) {\n return t && t.__esModule ? t : { default: t };\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.sreReady = e.Sre = void 0);\n var a,\n l = i(r(2998)),\n c = i(r(3362)),\n u = i(r(9552)),\n p = i(r(4440)),\n h = s(r(5897)),\n d = r(8504),\n f = i(r(3090)),\n L = r(1377),\n m = s(r(5282));\n !(function (t) {\n (t.locales = L.Variables.LOCALES),\n (t.sreReady = l.engineReady),\n (t.setupEngine = l.setupEngine),\n (t.engineSetup = l.engineSetup),\n (t.toEnriched = l.toEnriched),\n (t.toSpeech = l.toSpeech),\n (t.clearspeakPreferences = d.ClearspeakPreferences),\n (t.getHighlighter = f.highlighter),\n (t.getSpeechGenerator = u.generator),\n (t.getWalker = c.walker),\n (t.clearspeakStyle = function () {\n return p.DOMAIN_TO_STYLES.clearspeak;\n }),\n (t.preloadLocales = function (t) {\n return Q(this, void 0, void 0, function () {\n var e;\n return T(this, function (r) {\n return [\n 2,\n (e = m.default.get(t))\n ? new Promise(function (t, r) {\n return t(JSON.stringify(e));\n })\n : l.localeLoader()(t),\n ];\n });\n });\n });\n })((a = e.Sre || (e.Sre = {}))),\n (e.sreReady = a.sreReady),\n (h.default.getInstance().delay = !0),\n (e.default = a);\n },\n 444: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e\n ? 'Object is not iterable.'\n : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.HTMLAdaptor = void 0);\n var Q = (function (t) {\n function e(e) {\n var r = t.call(this, e.document) || this;\n return (r.window = e), (r.parser = new e.DOMParser()), r;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n (e.prototype.parse = function (t, e) {\n return (\n void 0 === e && (e = 'text/html'),\n this.parser.parseFromString(t, e)\n );\n }),\n (e.prototype.create = function (t, e) {\n return e\n ? this.document.createElementNS(e, t)\n : this.document.createElement(t);\n }),\n (e.prototype.text = function (t) {\n return this.document.createTextNode(t);\n }),\n (e.prototype.head = function (t) {\n return t.head || t;\n }),\n (e.prototype.body = function (t) {\n return t.body || t;\n }),\n (e.prototype.root = function (t) {\n return t.documentElement || t;\n }),\n (e.prototype.doctype = function (t) {\n return t.doctype ? '') : '';\n }),\n (e.prototype.tags = function (t, e, r) {\n void 0 === r && (r = null);\n var n = r\n ? t.getElementsByTagNameNS(r, e)\n : t.getElementsByTagName(e);\n return Array.from(n);\n }),\n (e.prototype.getElements = function (t, e) {\n var r,\n n,\n o = [];\n try {\n for (var Q = i(t), T = Q.next(); !T.done; T = Q.next()) {\n var s = T.value;\n 'string' == typeof s\n ? (o = o.concat(\n Array.from(this.document.querySelectorAll(s)),\n ))\n : Array.isArray(s) ||\n s instanceof this.window.NodeList ||\n s instanceof this.window.HTMLCollection\n ? (o = o.concat(Array.from(s)))\n : o.push(s);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n T && !T.done && (n = Q.return) && n.call(Q);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n return o;\n }),\n (e.prototype.contains = function (t, e) {\n return t.contains(e);\n }),\n (e.prototype.parent = function (t) {\n return t.parentNode;\n }),\n (e.prototype.append = function (t, e) {\n return t.appendChild(e);\n }),\n (e.prototype.insert = function (t, e) {\n return this.parent(e).insertBefore(t, e);\n }),\n (e.prototype.remove = function (t) {\n return this.parent(t).removeChild(t);\n }),\n (e.prototype.replace = function (t, e) {\n return this.parent(e).replaceChild(t, e);\n }),\n (e.prototype.clone = function (t) {\n return t.cloneNode(!0);\n }),\n (e.prototype.split = function (t, e) {\n return t.splitText(e);\n }),\n (e.prototype.next = function (t) {\n return t.nextSibling;\n }),\n (e.prototype.previous = function (t) {\n return t.previousSibling;\n }),\n (e.prototype.firstChild = function (t) {\n return t.firstChild;\n }),\n (e.prototype.lastChild = function (t) {\n return t.lastChild;\n }),\n (e.prototype.childNodes = function (t) {\n return Array.from(t.childNodes);\n }),\n (e.prototype.childNode = function (t, e) {\n return t.childNodes[e];\n }),\n (e.prototype.kind = function (t) {\n var e = t.nodeType;\n return 1 === e || 3 === e || 8 === e\n ? t.nodeName.toLowerCase()\n : '';\n }),\n (e.prototype.value = function (t) {\n return t.nodeValue || '';\n }),\n (e.prototype.textContent = function (t) {\n return t.textContent;\n }),\n (e.prototype.innerHTML = function (t) {\n return t.innerHTML;\n }),\n (e.prototype.outerHTML = function (t) {\n return t.outerHTML;\n }),\n (e.prototype.serializeXML = function (t) {\n return new this.window.XMLSerializer().serializeToString(t);\n }),\n (e.prototype.setAttribute = function (t, e, r, n) {\n return (\n void 0 === n && (n = null),\n n\n ? ((e = n.replace(/.*\\//, '') + ':' + e.replace(/^.*:/, '')),\n t.setAttributeNS(n, e, r))\n : t.setAttribute(e, r)\n );\n }),\n (e.prototype.getAttribute = function (t, e) {\n return t.getAttribute(e);\n }),\n (e.prototype.removeAttribute = function (t, e) {\n return t.removeAttribute(e);\n }),\n (e.prototype.hasAttribute = function (t, e) {\n return t.hasAttribute(e);\n }),\n (e.prototype.allAttributes = function (t) {\n return Array.from(t.attributes).map(function (t) {\n return { name: t.name, value: t.value };\n });\n }),\n (e.prototype.addClass = function (t, e) {\n t.classList\n ? t.classList.add(e)\n : (t.className = (t.className + ' ' + e).trim());\n }),\n (e.prototype.removeClass = function (t, e) {\n t.classList\n ? t.classList.remove(e)\n : (t.className = t.className\n .split(/ /)\n .filter(function (t) {\n return t !== e;\n })\n .join(' '));\n }),\n (e.prototype.hasClass = function (t, e) {\n return t.classList\n ? t.classList.contains(e)\n : t.className.split(/ /).indexOf(e) >= 0;\n }),\n (e.prototype.setStyle = function (t, e, r) {\n t.style[e] = r;\n }),\n (e.prototype.getStyle = function (t, e) {\n return t.style[e];\n }),\n (e.prototype.allStyles = function (t) {\n return t.style.cssText;\n }),\n (e.prototype.insertRules = function (t, e) {\n var r, n;\n try {\n for (\n var o = i(e.reverse()), Q = o.next();\n !Q.done;\n Q = o.next()\n ) {\n var T = Q.value;\n try {\n t.sheet.insertRule(T, 0);\n } catch (t) {\n console.warn(\n \"MathJax: can't insert css rule '\"\n .concat(T, \"': \")\n .concat(t.message),\n );\n }\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n Q && !Q.done && (n = o.return) && n.call(o);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n }),\n (e.prototype.fontSize = function (t) {\n var e = this.window.getComputedStyle(t);\n return parseFloat(e.fontSize);\n }),\n (e.prototype.fontFamily = function (t) {\n return this.window.getComputedStyle(t).fontFamily || '';\n }),\n (e.prototype.nodeSize = function (t, e, r) {\n if (\n (void 0 === e && (e = 1),\n void 0 === r && (r = !1),\n r && t.getBBox)\n ) {\n var n = t.getBBox();\n return [n.width / e, n.height / e];\n }\n return [t.offsetWidth / e, t.offsetHeight / e];\n }),\n (e.prototype.nodeBBox = function (t) {\n var e = t.getBoundingClientRect();\n return {\n left: e.left,\n right: e.right,\n top: e.top,\n bottom: e.bottom,\n };\n }),\n e\n );\n })(r(5009).AbstractDOMAdaptor);\n e.HTMLAdaptor = Q;\n },\n 6191: function (t, e, r) {\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.browserAdaptor = void 0);\n var n = r(444);\n e.browserAdaptor = function () {\n return new n.HTMLAdaptor(window);\n };\n },\n 9515: function (t, e, r) {\n var n =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e ? 'Object is not iterable.' : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MathJax =\n e.combineWithMathJax =\n e.combineDefaults =\n e.combineConfig =\n e.isObject =\n void 0);\n var o = r(3282);\n function i(t) {\n return 'object' == typeof t && null !== t;\n }\n function Q(t, e) {\n var r, o;\n try {\n for (\n var T = n(Object.keys(e)), s = T.next();\n !s.done;\n s = T.next()\n ) {\n var a = s.value;\n '__esModule' !== a &&\n (!i(t[a]) || !i(e[a]) || e[a] instanceof Promise\n ? null !== e[a] && void 0 !== e[a] && (t[a] = e[a])\n : Q(t[a], e[a]));\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n s && !s.done && (o = T.return) && o.call(T);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n return t;\n }\n (e.isObject = i),\n (e.combineConfig = Q),\n (e.combineDefaults = function t(e, r, o) {\n var Q, T;\n e[r] || (e[r] = {}), (e = e[r]);\n try {\n for (\n var s = n(Object.keys(o)), a = s.next();\n !a.done;\n a = s.next()\n ) {\n var l = a.value;\n i(e[l]) && i(o[l])\n ? t(e, l, o[l])\n : null == e[l] && null != o[l] && (e[l] = o[l]);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n Q = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n a && !a.done && (T = s.return) && T.call(s);\n } finally {\n if (Q) throw Q.error;\n }\n }\n return e;\n }),\n (e.combineWithMathJax = function (t) {\n return Q(e.MathJax, t);\n }),\n void 0 === r.g.MathJax && (r.g.MathJax = {}),\n r.g.MathJax.version ||\n (r.g.MathJax = { version: o.VERSION, _: {}, config: r.g.MathJax }),\n (e.MathJax = r.g.MathJax);\n },\n 235: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o,\n i =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e\n ? 'Object is not iterable.'\n : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.CONFIG =\n e.MathJax =\n e.Loader =\n e.PathFilters =\n e.PackageError =\n e.Package =\n void 0);\n var Q = r(9515),\n T = r(265),\n s = r(265);\n Object.defineProperty(e, 'Package', {\n enumerable: !0,\n get: function () {\n return s.Package;\n },\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e, 'PackageError', {\n enumerable: !0,\n get: function () {\n return s.PackageError;\n },\n });\n var a,\n l = r(7525);\n if (\n ((e.PathFilters = {\n source: function (t) {\n return (\n e.CONFIG.source.hasOwnProperty(t.name) &&\n (t.name = e.CONFIG.source[t.name]),\n !0\n );\n },\n normalize: function (t) {\n var e = t.name;\n return (\n e.match(/^(?:[a-z]+:\\/)?\\/|[a-z]:\\\\|\\[/i) ||\n (t.name = '[mathjax]/' + e.replace(/^\\.\\//, '')),\n t.addExtension && !e.match(/\\.[^\\/]+$/) && (t.name += '.js'),\n !0\n );\n },\n prefix: function (t) {\n for (\n var r;\n (r = t.name.match(/^\\[([^\\]]*)\\]/)) &&\n e.CONFIG.paths.hasOwnProperty(r[1]);\n\n )\n t.name = e.CONFIG.paths[r[1]] + t.name.substr(r[0].length);\n return !0;\n },\n }),\n (function (t) {\n var r = Q.MathJax.version;\n (t.versions = new Map()),\n (t.ready = function () {\n for (var t, e, r = [], n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++)\n r[n] = arguments[n];\n 0 === r.length && (r = Array.from(T.Package.packages.keys()));\n var o = [];\n try {\n for (var Q = i(r), s = Q.next(); !s.done; s = Q.next()) {\n var a = s.value,\n l = T.Package.packages.get(a) || new T.Package(a, !0);\n o.push(l.promise);\n }\n } catch (e) {\n t = { error: e };\n } finally {\n try {\n s && !s.done && (e = Q.return) && e.call(Q);\n } finally {\n if (t) throw t.error;\n }\n }\n return Promise.all(o);\n }),\n (t.load = function () {\n for (var r, n, o = [], Q = 0; Q < arguments.length; Q++)\n o[Q] = arguments[Q];\n if (0 === o.length) return Promise.resolve();\n var s = [],\n a = function (r) {\n var n = T.Package.packages.get(r);\n n || (n = new T.Package(r)).provides(e.CONFIG.provides[r]),\n n.checkNoLoad(),\n s.push(\n n.promise.then(function () {\n e.CONFIG.versionWarnings &&\n n.isLoaded &&\n !t.versions.has(T.Package.resolvePath(r)) &&\n console.warn(\n 'No version information available for component '.concat(\n r,\n ),\n );\n }),\n );\n };\n try {\n for (var l = i(o), c = l.next(); !c.done; c = l.next()) {\n var u = c.value;\n a(u);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n c && !c.done && (n = l.return) && n.call(l);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n return T.Package.loadAll(), Promise.all(s);\n }),\n (t.preLoad = function () {\n for (var t, r, n = [], o = 0; o < arguments.length; o++)\n n[o] = arguments[o];\n try {\n for (var Q = i(n), s = Q.next(); !s.done; s = Q.next()) {\n var a = s.value,\n l = T.Package.packages.get(a);\n l ||\n (l = new T.Package(a, !0)).provides(e.CONFIG.provides[a]),\n l.loaded();\n }\n } catch (e) {\n t = { error: e };\n } finally {\n try {\n s && !s.done && (r = Q.return) && r.call(Q);\n } finally {\n if (t) throw t.error;\n }\n }\n }),\n (t.defaultReady = function () {\n void 0 !== e.MathJax.startup &&\n e.MathJax.config.startup.ready();\n }),\n (t.getRoot = function () {\n var t = '//../../es5';\n if ('undefined' != typeof document) {\n var e =\n document.currentScript ||\n document.getElementById('MathJax-script');\n e && (t = e.src.replace(/\\/[^\\/]*$/, ''));\n }\n return t;\n }),\n (t.checkVersion = function (n, o, i) {\n return (\n t.versions.set(T.Package.resolvePath(n), r),\n !(!e.CONFIG.versionWarnings || o === r) &&\n (console.warn(\n 'Component '\n .concat(n, ' uses ')\n .concat(o, ' of MathJax; version in use is ')\n .concat(r),\n ),\n !0)\n );\n }),\n (t.pathFilters = new l.FunctionList()),\n t.pathFilters.add(e.PathFilters.source, 0),\n t.pathFilters.add(e.PathFilters.normalize, 10),\n t.pathFilters.add(e.PathFilters.prefix, 20);\n })((a = e.Loader || (e.Loader = {}))),\n (e.MathJax = Q.MathJax),\n void 0 === e.MathJax.loader)\n ) {\n (0, Q.combineDefaults)(e.MathJax.config, 'loader', {\n paths: { mathjax: a.getRoot() },\n source: {},\n dependencies: {},\n provides: {},\n load: [],\n ready: a.defaultReady.bind(a),\n failed: function (t) {\n return console.log(\n 'MathJax('.concat(t.package || '?', '): ').concat(t.message),\n );\n },\n require: null,\n pathFilters: [],\n versionWarnings: !0,\n }),\n (0, Q.combineWithMathJax)({ loader: a });\n try {\n for (\n var c = i(e.MathJax.config.loader.pathFilters), u = c.next();\n !u.done;\n u = c.next()\n ) {\n var p = u.value;\n Array.isArray(p)\n ? a.pathFilters.add(p[0], p[1])\n : a.pathFilters.add(p);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n n = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n u && !u.done && (o = c.return) && o.call(c);\n } finally {\n if (n) throw n.error;\n }\n }\n }\n e.CONFIG = e.MathJax.config.loader;\n },\n 265: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e\n ? 'Object is not iterable.'\n : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n },\n Q =\n (this && this.__read) ||\n function (t, e) {\n var r = 'function' == typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator];\n if (!r) return t;\n var n,\n o,\n i = r.call(t),\n Q = [];\n try {\n for (; (void 0 === e || e-- > 0) && !(n = i.next()).done; )\n Q.push(n.value);\n } catch (t) {\n o = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n n && !n.done && (r = i.return) && r.call(i);\n } finally {\n if (o) throw o.error;\n }\n }\n return Q;\n },\n T =\n (this && this.__spreadArray) ||\n function (t, e, r) {\n if (r || 2 === arguments.length)\n for (var n, o = 0, i = e.length; o < i; o++)\n (!n && o in e) ||\n (n || (n = Array.prototype.slice.call(e, 0, o)),\n (n[o] = e[o]));\n return t.concat(n || Array.prototype.slice.call(e));\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.Package = e.PackageError = void 0);\n var s = r(235),\n a = (function (t) {\n function e(e, r) {\n var n = t.call(this, e) || this;\n return (n.package = r), n;\n }\n return o(e, t), e;\n })(Error);\n e.PackageError = a;\n var l = (function () {\n function t(e, r) {\n void 0 === r && (r = !1),\n (this.isLoaded = !1),\n (this.isLoading = !1),\n (this.hasFailed = !1),\n (this.dependents = []),\n (this.dependencies = []),\n (this.dependencyCount = 0),\n (this.provided = []),\n (this.name = e),\n (this.noLoad = r),\n t.packages.set(e, this),\n (this.promise = this.makePromise(this.makeDependencies()));\n }\n return (\n Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, 'canLoad', {\n get: function () {\n return (\n 0 === this.dependencyCount &&\n !this.noLoad &&\n !this.isLoading &&\n !this.hasFailed\n );\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (t.resolvePath = function (t, e) {\n void 0 === e && (e = !0);\n var r = { name: t, original: t, addExtension: e };\n return s.Loader.pathFilters.execute(r), r.name;\n }),\n (t.loadAll = function () {\n var t, e;\n try {\n for (\n var r = i(this.packages.values()), n = r.next();\n !n.done;\n n = r.next()\n ) {\n var o = n.value;\n o.canLoad && o.load();\n }\n } catch (e) {\n t = { error: e };\n } finally {\n try {\n n && !n.done && (e = r.return) && e.call(r);\n } finally {\n if (t) throw t.error;\n }\n }\n }),\n (t.prototype.makeDependencies = function () {\n var e,\n r,\n n = [],\n o = t.packages,\n a = this.noLoad,\n l = this.name,\n c = [];\n s.CONFIG.dependencies.hasOwnProperty(l)\n ? c.push.apply(c, T([], Q(s.CONFIG.dependencies[l]), !1))\n : 'core' !== l && c.push('core');\n try {\n for (var u = i(c), p = u.next(); !p.done; p = u.next()) {\n var h = p.value,\n d = o.get(h) || new t(h, a);\n this.dependencies.indexOf(d) < 0 &&\n (d.addDependent(this, a),\n this.dependencies.push(d),\n d.isLoaded || (this.dependencyCount++, n.push(d.promise)));\n }\n } catch (t) {\n e = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n p && !p.done && (r = u.return) && r.call(u);\n } finally {\n if (e) throw e.error;\n }\n }\n return n;\n }),\n (t.prototype.makePromise = function (t) {\n var e = this,\n r = new Promise(function (t, r) {\n (e.resolve = t), (e.reject = r);\n }),\n n = s.CONFIG[this.name] || {};\n return (\n n.ready &&\n (r = r.then(function (t) {\n return n.ready(e.name);\n })),\n t.length &&\n (t.push(r),\n (r = Promise.all(t).then(function (t) {\n return t.join(', ');\n }))),\n n.failed &&\n r.catch(function (t) {\n return n.failed(new a(t, e.name));\n }),\n r\n );\n }),\n (t.prototype.load = function () {\n if (!this.isLoaded && !this.isLoading && !this.noLoad) {\n this.isLoading = !0;\n var e = t.resolvePath(this.name);\n s.CONFIG.require ? this.loadCustom(e) : this.loadScript(e);\n }\n }),\n (t.prototype.loadCustom = function (t) {\n var e = this;\n try {\n var r = s.CONFIG.require(t);\n r instanceof Promise\n ? r\n .then(function () {\n return e.checkLoad();\n })\n .catch(function (r) {\n return e.failed(\n 'Can\\'t load \"' + t + '\"\\n' + r.message.trim(),\n );\n })\n : this.checkLoad();\n } catch (t) {\n this.failed(t.message);\n }\n }),\n (t.prototype.loadScript = function (t) {\n var e = this,\n r = document.createElement('script');\n (r.src = t),\n (r.charset = 'UTF-8'),\n (r.onload = function (t) {\n return e.checkLoad();\n }),\n (r.onerror = function (r) {\n return e.failed('Can\\'t load \"' + t + '\"');\n }),\n document.head.appendChild(r);\n }),\n (t.prototype.loaded = function () {\n var t, e, r, n;\n (this.isLoaded = !0), (this.isLoading = !1);\n try {\n for (\n var o = i(this.dependents), Q = o.next();\n !Q.done;\n Q = o.next()\n ) {\n Q.value.requirementSatisfied();\n }\n } catch (e) {\n t = { error: e };\n } finally {\n try {\n Q && !Q.done && (e = o.return) && e.call(o);\n } finally {\n if (t) throw t.error;\n }\n }\n try {\n for (\n var T = i(this.provided), s = T.next();\n !s.done;\n s = T.next()\n ) {\n s.value.loaded();\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n s && !s.done && (n = T.return) && n.call(T);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n this.resolve(this.name);\n }),\n (t.prototype.failed = function (t) {\n (this.hasFailed = !0),\n (this.isLoading = !1),\n this.reject(new a(t, this.name));\n }),\n (t.prototype.checkLoad = function () {\n var t = this;\n (\n (s.CONFIG[this.name] || {}).checkReady ||\n function () {\n return Promise.resolve();\n }\n )()\n .then(function () {\n return t.loaded();\n })\n .catch(function (e) {\n return t.failed(e);\n });\n }),\n (t.prototype.requirementSatisfied = function () {\n this.dependencyCount &&\n (this.dependencyCount--, this.canLoad && this.load());\n }),\n (t.prototype.provides = function (e) {\n var r, n;\n void 0 === e && (e = []);\n try {\n for (var o = i(e), Q = o.next(); !Q.done; Q = o.next()) {\n var T = Q.value,\n a = t.packages.get(T);\n a ||\n (s.CONFIG.dependencies[T] ||\n (s.CONFIG.dependencies[T] = []),\n s.CONFIG.dependencies[T].push(T),\n ((a = new t(T, !0)).isLoading = !0)),\n this.provided.push(a);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n Q && !Q.done && (n = o.return) && n.call(o);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n }),\n (t.prototype.addDependent = function (t, e) {\n this.dependents.push(t), e || this.checkNoLoad();\n }),\n (t.prototype.checkNoLoad = function () {\n var t, e;\n if (this.noLoad) {\n this.noLoad = !1;\n try {\n for (\n var r = i(this.dependencies), n = r.next();\n !n.done;\n n = r.next()\n ) {\n n.value.checkNoLoad();\n }\n } catch (e) {\n t = { error: e };\n } finally {\n try {\n n && !n.done && (e = r.return) && e.call(r);\n } finally {\n if (t) throw t.error;\n }\n }\n }\n }),\n (t.packages = new Map()),\n t\n );\n })();\n e.Package = l;\n },\n 2388: function (t, e, r) {\n var n =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n n.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n },\n o =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e\n ? 'Object is not iterable.'\n : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n },\n i =\n (this && this.__read) ||\n function (t, e) {\n var r = 'function' == typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator];\n if (!r) return t;\n var n,\n o,\n i = r.call(t),\n Q = [];\n try {\n for (; (void 0 === e || e-- > 0) && !(n = i.next()).done; )\n Q.push(n.value);\n } catch (t) {\n o = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n n && !n.done && (r = i.return) && r.call(i);\n } finally {\n if (o) throw o.error;\n }\n }\n return Q;\n },\n Q =\n (this && this.__spreadArray) ||\n function (t, e, r) {\n if (r || 2 === arguments.length)\n for (var n, o = 0, i = e.length; o < i; o++)\n (!n && o in e) ||\n (n || (n = Array.prototype.slice.call(e, 0, o)),\n (n[o] = e[o]));\n return t.concat(n || Array.prototype.slice.call(e));\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.CONFIG = e.MathJax = e.Startup = void 0);\n var T,\n s = r(9515),\n a = r(8666),\n l = r(7233);\n !(function (t) {\n var T,\n s,\n l = new a.PrioritizedList();\n function u(e) {\n return T.visitTree(e, t.document);\n }\n function p() {\n (T =\n new e.MathJax._.core.MmlTree.SerializedMmlVisitor.SerializedMmlVisitor()),\n (s = e.MathJax._.mathjax.mathjax),\n (t.input = y()),\n (t.output = H()),\n (t.adaptor = g()),\n t.handler && s.handlers.unregister(t.handler),\n (t.handler = b()),\n t.handler && (s.handlers.register(t.handler), (t.document = v()));\n }\n function h() {\n var e, r;\n t.input && t.output && d();\n var n = t.output ? t.output.name.toLowerCase() : '';\n try {\n for (var i = o(t.input), Q = i.next(); !Q.done; Q = i.next()) {\n var T = Q.value,\n s = T.name.toLowerCase();\n L(s, T), m(s, T), t.output && f(s, n, T);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n e = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n Q && !Q.done && (r = i.return) && r.call(i);\n } finally {\n if (e) throw e.error;\n }\n }\n }\n function d() {\n (e.MathJax.typeset = function (e) {\n void 0 === e && (e = null),\n (t.document.options.elements = e),\n t.document.reset(),\n t.document.render();\n }),\n (e.MathJax.typesetPromise = function (e) {\n return (\n void 0 === e && (e = null),\n (t.document.options.elements = e),\n t.document.reset(),\n s.handleRetriesFor(function () {\n t.document.render();\n })\n );\n }),\n (e.MathJax.typesetClear = function (e) {\n void 0 === e && (e = null),\n e ? t.document.clearMathItemsWithin(e) : t.document.clear();\n });\n }\n function f(r, n, o) {\n var i = r + '2' + n;\n (e.MathJax[i] = function (e, r) {\n return (\n void 0 === r && (r = {}),\n (r.format = o.name),\n t.document.convert(e, r)\n );\n }),\n (e.MathJax[i + 'Promise'] = function (e, r) {\n return (\n void 0 === r && (r = {}),\n (r.format = o.name),\n s.handleRetriesFor(function () {\n return t.document.convert(e, r);\n })\n );\n }),\n (e.MathJax[n + 'Stylesheet'] = function () {\n return t.output.styleSheet(t.document);\n }),\n 'getMetricsFor' in t.output &&\n (e.MathJax.getMetricsFor = function (e, r) {\n return t.output.getMetricsFor(e, r);\n });\n }\n function L(r, n) {\n var o = e.MathJax._.core.MathItem.STATE;\n (e.MathJax[r + '2mml'] = function (e, r) {\n return (\n void 0 === r && (r = {}),\n (r.end = o.CONVERT),\n (r.format = n.name),\n u(t.document.convert(e, r))\n );\n }),\n (e.MathJax[r + '2mmlPromise'] = function (e, r) {\n return (\n void 0 === r && (r = {}),\n (r.end = o.CONVERT),\n (r.format = n.name),\n s.handleRetriesFor(function () {\n return u(t.document.convert(e, r));\n })\n );\n });\n }\n function m(t, r) {\n e.MathJax[t + 'Reset'] = function () {\n for (var t = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++)\n t[e] = arguments[e];\n return r.reset.apply(r, Q([], i(t), !1));\n };\n }\n function y() {\n var r,\n n,\n i = [];\n try {\n for (\n var Q = o(e.CONFIG.input), T = Q.next();\n !T.done;\n T = Q.next()\n ) {\n var s = T.value,\n a = t.constructors[s];\n if (!a)\n throw Error(\n 'Input Jax \"' +\n s +\n '\" is not defined (has it been loaded?)',\n );\n i.push(new a(e.MathJax.config[s]));\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n T && !T.done && (n = Q.return) && n.call(Q);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n return i;\n }\n function H() {\n var r = e.CONFIG.output;\n if (!r) return null;\n var n = t.constructors[r];\n if (!n)\n throw Error(\n 'Output Jax \"' + r + '\" is not defined (has it been loaded?)',\n );\n return new n(e.MathJax.config[r]);\n }\n function g() {\n var r = e.CONFIG.adaptor;\n if (!r || 'none' === r) return null;\n var n = t.constructors[r];\n if (!n)\n throw Error(\n 'DOMAdaptor \"' + r + '\" is not defined (has it been loaded?)',\n );\n return n(e.MathJax.config[r]);\n }\n function b() {\n var r,\n n,\n i = e.CONFIG.handler;\n if (!i || 'none' === i || !t.adaptor) return null;\n var Q = t.constructors[i];\n if (!Q)\n throw Error(\n 'Handler \"' + i + '\" is not defined (has it been loaded?)',\n );\n var T = new Q(t.adaptor, 5);\n try {\n for (var s = o(l), a = s.next(); !a.done; a = s.next()) {\n T = a.value.item(T);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n a && !a.done && (n = s.return) && n.call(s);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n return T;\n }\n function v(r) {\n return (\n void 0 === r && (r = null),\n s.document(\n r || e.CONFIG.document,\n n(n({}, e.MathJax.config.options), {\n InputJax: t.input,\n OutputJax: t.output,\n }),\n )\n );\n }\n (t.constructors = {}),\n (t.input = []),\n (t.output = null),\n (t.handler = null),\n (t.adaptor = null),\n (t.elements = null),\n (t.document = null),\n (t.promise = new Promise(function (e, r) {\n (t.promiseResolve = e), (t.promiseReject = r);\n })),\n (t.pagePromise = new Promise(function (t, e) {\n var n = r.g.document;\n if (\n n &&\n n.readyState &&\n 'complete' !== n.readyState &&\n 'interactive' !== n.readyState\n ) {\n var o = function () {\n return t();\n };\n n.defaultView.addEventListener('load', o, !0),\n n.defaultView.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', o, !0);\n } else t();\n })),\n (t.toMML = u),\n (t.registerConstructor = function (e, r) {\n t.constructors[e] = r;\n }),\n (t.useHandler = function (t, r) {\n void 0 === r && (r = !1),\n (e.CONFIG.handler && !r) || (e.CONFIG.handler = t);\n }),\n (t.useAdaptor = function (t, r) {\n void 0 === r && (r = !1),\n (e.CONFIG.adaptor && !r) || (e.CONFIG.adaptor = t);\n }),\n (t.useInput = function (t, r) {\n void 0 === r && (r = !1), (c && !r) || e.CONFIG.input.push(t);\n }),\n (t.useOutput = function (t, r) {\n void 0 === r && (r = !1),\n (e.CONFIG.output && !r) || (e.CONFIG.output = t);\n }),\n (t.extendHandler = function (t, e) {\n void 0 === e && (e = 10), l.add(t, e);\n }),\n (t.defaultReady = function () {\n p(),\n h(),\n t.pagePromise\n .then(function () {\n return e.CONFIG.pageReady();\n })\n .then(function () {\n return t.promiseResolve();\n })\n .catch(function (e) {\n return t.promiseReject(e);\n });\n }),\n (t.defaultPageReady = function () {\n return e.CONFIG.typeset && e.MathJax.typesetPromise\n ? e.MathJax.typesetPromise(e.CONFIG.elements)\n : Promise.resolve();\n }),\n (t.getComponents = p),\n (t.makeMethods = h),\n (t.makeTypesetMethods = d),\n (t.makeOutputMethods = f),\n (t.makeMmlMethods = L),\n (t.makeResetMethod = m),\n (t.getInputJax = y),\n (t.getOutputJax = H),\n (t.getAdaptor = g),\n (t.getHandler = b),\n (t.getDocument = v);\n })((T = e.Startup || (e.Startup = {}))),\n (e.MathJax = s.MathJax),\n void 0 === e.MathJax._.startup &&\n ((0, s.combineDefaults)(e.MathJax.config, 'startup', {\n input: [],\n output: '',\n handler: null,\n adaptor: null,\n document: 'undefined' == typeof document ? '' : document,\n elements: null,\n typeset: !0,\n ready: T.defaultReady.bind(T),\n pageReady: T.defaultPageReady.bind(T),\n }),\n (0, s.combineWithMathJax)({ startup: T, options: {} }),\n e.MathJax.config.startup.invalidOption &&\n (l.OPTIONS.invalidOption =\n e.MathJax.config.startup.invalidOption),\n e.MathJax.config.startup.optionError &&\n (l.OPTIONS.optionError = e.MathJax.config.startup.optionError)),\n (e.CONFIG = e.MathJax.config.startup);\n var c = 0 !== e.CONFIG.input.length;\n },\n 3282: function (t, e) {\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.VERSION = void 0),\n (e.VERSION = '3.2.2');\n },\n 5009: function (t, e) {\n var r =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e ? 'Object is not iterable.' : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.AbstractDOMAdaptor = void 0);\n var n = (function () {\n function t(t) {\n void 0 === t && (t = null), (this.document = t);\n }\n return (\n (t.prototype.node = function (t, e, n, o) {\n var i, Q;\n void 0 === e && (e = {}), void 0 === n && (n = []);\n var T = this.create(t, o);\n this.setAttributes(T, e);\n try {\n for (var s = r(n), a = s.next(); !a.done; a = s.next()) {\n var l = a.value;\n this.append(T, l);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n i = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n a && !a.done && (Q = s.return) && Q.call(s);\n } finally {\n if (i) throw i.error;\n }\n }\n return T;\n }),\n (t.prototype.setAttributes = function (t, e) {\n var n, o, i, Q, T, s;\n if (e.style && 'string' != typeof e.style)\n try {\n for (\n var a = r(Object.keys(e.style)), l = a.next();\n !l.done;\n l = a.next()\n ) {\n var c = l.value;\n this.setStyle(\n t,\n c.replace(/-([a-z])/g, function (t, e) {\n return e.toUpperCase();\n }),\n e.style[c],\n );\n }\n } catch (t) {\n n = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n l && !l.done && (o = a.return) && o.call(a);\n } finally {\n if (n) throw n.error;\n }\n }\n if (e.properties)\n try {\n for (\n var u = r(Object.keys(e.properties)), p = u.next();\n !p.done;\n p = u.next()\n ) {\n t[(c = p.value)] = e.properties[c];\n }\n } catch (t) {\n i = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n p && !p.done && (Q = u.return) && Q.call(u);\n } finally {\n if (i) throw i.error;\n }\n }\n try {\n for (\n var h = r(Object.keys(e)), d = h.next();\n !d.done;\n d = h.next()\n ) {\n ('style' === (c = d.value) && 'string' != typeof e.style) ||\n 'properties' === c ||\n this.setAttribute(t, c, e[c]);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n T = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n d && !d.done && (s = h.return) && s.call(h);\n } finally {\n if (T) throw T.error;\n }\n }\n }),\n (t.prototype.replace = function (t, e) {\n return this.insert(t, e), this.remove(e), e;\n }),\n (t.prototype.childNode = function (t, e) {\n return this.childNodes(t)[e];\n }),\n (t.prototype.allClasses = function (t) {\n var e = this.getAttribute(t, 'class');\n return e\n ? e\n .replace(/ +/g, ' ')\n .replace(/^ /, '')\n .replace(/ $/, '')\n .split(/ /)\n : [];\n }),\n t\n );\n })();\n e.AbstractDOMAdaptor = n;\n },\n 3494: function (t, e, r) {\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.AbstractFindMath = void 0);\n var n = r(7233),\n o = (function () {\n function t(t) {\n var e = this.constructor;\n this.options = (0, n.userOptions)(\n (0, n.defaultOptions)({}, e.OPTIONS),\n t,\n );\n }\n return (t.OPTIONS = {}), t;\n })();\n e.AbstractFindMath = o;\n },\n 3670: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n });\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.AbstractHandler = void 0);\n var i = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return o(e, t), e;\n })(r(5722).AbstractMathDocument),\n Q = (function () {\n function t(t, e) {\n void 0 === e && (e = 5),\n (this.documentClass = i),\n (this.adaptor = t),\n (this.priority = e);\n }\n return (\n Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, 'name', {\n get: function () {\n return this.constructor.NAME;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (t.prototype.handlesDocument = function (t) {\n return !1;\n }),\n (t.prototype.create = function (t, e) {\n return new this.documentClass(t, this.adaptor, e);\n }),\n (t.NAME = 'generic'),\n t\n );\n })();\n e.AbstractHandler = Q;\n },\n 805: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e\n ? 'Object is not iterable.'\n : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.HandlerList = void 0);\n var Q = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n (e.prototype.register = function (t) {\n return this.add(t, t.priority);\n }),\n (e.prototype.unregister = function (t) {\n this.remove(t);\n }),\n (e.prototype.handlesDocument = function (t) {\n var e, r;\n try {\n for (var n = i(this), o = n.next(); !o.done; o = n.next()) {\n var Q = o.value.item;\n if (Q.handlesDocument(t)) return Q;\n }\n } catch (t) {\n e = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n o && !o.done && (r = n.return) && r.call(n);\n } finally {\n if (e) throw e.error;\n }\n }\n throw new Error(\"Can't find handler for document\");\n }),\n (e.prototype.document = function (t, e) {\n return (\n void 0 === e && (e = null), this.handlesDocument(t).create(t, e)\n );\n }),\n e\n );\n })(r(8666).PrioritizedList);\n e.HandlerList = Q;\n },\n 9206: function (t, e, r) {\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.AbstractInputJax = void 0);\n var n = r(7233),\n o = r(7525),\n i = (function () {\n function t(t) {\n void 0 === t && (t = {}),\n (this.adaptor = null),\n (this.mmlFactory = null);\n var e = this.constructor;\n (this.options = (0, n.userOptions)(\n (0, n.defaultOptions)({}, e.OPTIONS),\n t,\n )),\n (this.preFilters = new o.FunctionList()),\n (this.postFilters = new o.FunctionList());\n }\n return (\n Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, 'name', {\n get: function () {\n return this.constructor.NAME;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (t.prototype.setAdaptor = function (t) {\n this.adaptor = t;\n }),\n (t.prototype.setMmlFactory = function (t) {\n this.mmlFactory = t;\n }),\n (t.prototype.initialize = function () {}),\n (t.prototype.reset = function () {\n for (var t = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++)\n t[e] = arguments[e];\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, 'processStrings', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (t.prototype.findMath = function (t, e) {\n return [];\n }),\n (t.prototype.executeFilters = function (t, e, r, n) {\n var o = { math: e, document: r, data: n };\n return t.execute(o), o.data;\n }),\n (t.NAME = 'generic'),\n (t.OPTIONS = {}),\n t\n );\n })();\n e.AbstractInputJax = i;\n },\n 5722: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e\n ? 'Object is not iterable.'\n : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n },\n Q =\n (this && this.__read) ||\n function (t, e) {\n var r = 'function' == typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator];\n if (!r) return t;\n var n,\n o,\n i = r.call(t),\n Q = [];\n try {\n for (; (void 0 === e || e-- > 0) && !(n = i.next()).done; )\n Q.push(n.value);\n } catch (t) {\n o = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n n && !n.done && (r = i.return) && r.call(i);\n } finally {\n if (o) throw o.error;\n }\n }\n return Q;\n },\n T =\n (this && this.__spreadArray) ||\n function (t, e, r) {\n if (r || 2 === arguments.length)\n for (var n, o = 0, i = e.length; o < i; o++)\n (!n && o in e) ||\n (n || (n = Array.prototype.slice.call(e, 0, o)),\n (n[o] = e[o]));\n return t.concat(n || Array.prototype.slice.call(e));\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.AbstractMathDocument =\n e.resetAllOptions =\n e.resetOptions =\n e.RenderList =\n void 0);\n var s = r(7233),\n a = r(9206),\n l = r(2975),\n c = r(9e3),\n u = r(4474),\n p = r(3909),\n h = r(6751),\n d = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n (e.create = function (t) {\n var e,\n r,\n n = new this();\n try {\n for (\n var o = i(Object.keys(t)), T = o.next();\n !T.done;\n T = o.next()\n ) {\n var s = T.value,\n a = Q(this.action(s, t[s]), 2),\n l = a[0],\n c = a[1];\n c && n.add(l, c);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n e = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n T && !T.done && (r = o.return) && r.call(o);\n } finally {\n if (e) throw e.error;\n }\n }\n return n;\n }),\n (e.action = function (t, e) {\n var r,\n n,\n o,\n i,\n T,\n s,\n a = !0,\n l = e[0];\n if (1 === e.length || 'boolean' == typeof e[1])\n 2 === e.length && (a = e[1]),\n (T = (r = Q(this.methodActions(t), 2))[0]),\n (s = r[1]);\n else if ('string' == typeof e[1])\n if ('string' == typeof e[2]) {\n 4 === e.length && (a = e[3]);\n var c = Q(e.slice(1), 2),\n u = c[0],\n p = c[1];\n (T = (n = Q(this.methodActions(u, p), 2))[0]), (s = n[1]);\n } else\n 3 === e.length && (a = e[2]),\n (T = (o = Q(this.methodActions(e[1]), 2))[0]),\n (s = o[1]);\n else\n 4 === e.length && (a = e[3]),\n (T = (i = Q(e.slice(1), 2))[0]),\n (s = i[1]);\n return [{ id: t, renderDoc: T, renderMath: s, convert: a }, l];\n }),\n (e.methodActions = function (t, e) {\n return (\n void 0 === e && (e = t),\n [\n function (e) {\n return t && e[t](), !1;\n },\n function (t, r) {\n return e && t[e](r), !1;\n },\n ]\n );\n }),\n (e.prototype.renderDoc = function (t, e) {\n var r, n;\n void 0 === e && (e = u.STATE.UNPROCESSED);\n try {\n for (\n var o = i(this.items), Q = o.next();\n !Q.done;\n Q = o.next()\n ) {\n var T = Q.value;\n if (T.priority >= e && T.item.renderDoc(t)) return;\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n Q && !Q.done && (n = o.return) && n.call(o);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n }),\n (e.prototype.renderMath = function (t, e, r) {\n var n, o;\n void 0 === r && (r = u.STATE.UNPROCESSED);\n try {\n for (\n var Q = i(this.items), T = Q.next();\n !T.done;\n T = Q.next()\n ) {\n var s = T.value;\n if (s.priority >= r && s.item.renderMath(t, e)) return;\n }\n } catch (t) {\n n = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n T && !T.done && (o = Q.return) && o.call(Q);\n } finally {\n if (n) throw n.error;\n }\n }\n }),\n (e.prototype.renderConvert = function (t, e, r) {\n var n, o;\n void 0 === r && (r = u.STATE.LAST);\n try {\n for (\n var Q = i(this.items), T = Q.next();\n !T.done;\n T = Q.next()\n ) {\n var s = T.value;\n if (s.priority > r) return;\n if (s.item.convert && s.item.renderMath(t, e)) return;\n }\n } catch (t) {\n n = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n T && !T.done && (o = Q.return) && o.call(Q);\n } finally {\n if (n) throw n.error;\n }\n }\n }),\n (e.prototype.findID = function (t) {\n var e, r;\n try {\n for (\n var n = i(this.items), o = n.next();\n !o.done;\n o = n.next()\n ) {\n var Q = o.value;\n if (Q.item.id === t) return Q.item;\n }\n } catch (t) {\n e = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n o && !o.done && (r = n.return) && r.call(n);\n } finally {\n if (e) throw e.error;\n }\n }\n return null;\n }),\n e\n );\n })(r(8666).PrioritizedList);\n (e.RenderList = d),\n (e.resetOptions = {\n all: !1,\n processed: !1,\n inputJax: null,\n outputJax: null,\n }),\n (e.resetAllOptions = {\n all: !0,\n processed: !0,\n inputJax: [],\n outputJax: [],\n });\n var f = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n (e.prototype.compile = function (t) {\n return null;\n }),\n e\n );\n })(a.AbstractInputJax),\n L = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n (e.prototype.typeset = function (t, e) {\n return void 0 === e && (e = null), null;\n }),\n (e.prototype.escaped = function (t, e) {\n return null;\n }),\n e\n );\n })(l.AbstractOutputJax),\n m = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return o(e, t), e;\n })(c.AbstractMathList),\n y = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return o(e, t), e;\n })(u.AbstractMathItem),\n H = (function () {\n function t(e, r, n) {\n var o = this,\n i = this.constructor;\n (this.document = e),\n (this.options = (0, s.userOptions)(\n (0, s.defaultOptions)({}, i.OPTIONS),\n n,\n )),\n (this.math = new (this.options.MathList || m)()),\n (this.renderActions = d.create(this.options.renderActions)),\n (this.processed = new t.ProcessBits()),\n (this.outputJax = this.options.OutputJax || new L());\n var Q = this.options.InputJax || [new f()];\n Array.isArray(Q) || (Q = [Q]),\n (this.inputJax = Q),\n (this.adaptor = r),\n this.outputJax.setAdaptor(r),\n this.inputJax.map(function (t) {\n return t.setAdaptor(r);\n }),\n (this.mmlFactory =\n this.options.MmlFactory || new p.MmlFactory()),\n this.inputJax.map(function (t) {\n return t.setMmlFactory(o.mmlFactory);\n }),\n this.outputJax.initialize(),\n this.inputJax.map(function (t) {\n return t.initialize();\n });\n }\n return (\n Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return this.constructor.KIND;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (t.prototype.addRenderAction = function (t) {\n for (var e = [], r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++)\n e[r - 1] = arguments[r];\n var n = Q(d.action(t, e), 2),\n o = n[0],\n i = n[1];\n this.renderActions.add(o, i);\n }),\n (t.prototype.removeRenderAction = function (t) {\n var e = this.renderActions.findID(t);\n e && this.renderActions.remove(e);\n }),\n (t.prototype.render = function () {\n return this.renderActions.renderDoc(this), this;\n }),\n (t.prototype.rerender = function (t) {\n return (\n void 0 === t && (t = u.STATE.RERENDER),\n this.state(t - 1),\n this.render(),\n this\n );\n }),\n (t.prototype.convert = function (t, e) {\n void 0 === e && (e = {});\n var r = (0, s.userOptions)(\n {\n format: this.inputJax[0].name,\n display: !0,\n end: u.STATE.LAST,\n em: 16,\n ex: 8,\n containerWidth: null,\n lineWidth: 1e6,\n scale: 1,\n family: '',\n },\n e,\n ),\n n = r.format,\n o = r.display,\n i = r.end,\n Q = r.ex,\n T = r.em,\n a = r.containerWidth,\n l = r.lineWidth,\n c = r.scale,\n p = r.family;\n null === a && (a = 80 * Q);\n var h = this.inputJax.reduce(function (t, e) {\n return e.name === n ? e : t;\n }, null),\n d = new this.options.MathItem(t, h, o);\n return (\n (d.start.node = this.adaptor.body(this.document)),\n d.setMetrics(T, Q, a, l, c),\n this.outputJax.options.mtextInheritFont &&\n (d.outputData.mtextFamily = p),\n this.outputJax.options.merrorInheritFont &&\n (d.outputData.merrorFamily = p),\n d.convert(this, i),\n d.typesetRoot || d.root\n );\n }),\n (t.prototype.findMath = function (t) {\n return (\n void 0 === t && (t = null),\n this.processed.set('findMath'),\n this\n );\n }),\n (t.prototype.compile = function () {\n var t, e, r, n;\n if (!this.processed.isSet('compile')) {\n var o = [];\n try {\n for (\n var Q = i(this.math), T = Q.next();\n !T.done;\n T = Q.next()\n ) {\n var s = T.value;\n this.compileMath(s),\n void 0 !== s.inputData.recompile && o.push(s);\n }\n } catch (e) {\n t = { error: e };\n } finally {\n try {\n T && !T.done && (e = Q.return) && e.call(Q);\n } finally {\n if (t) throw t.error;\n }\n }\n try {\n for (var a = i(o), l = a.next(); !l.done; l = a.next()) {\n var c = (s = l.value).inputData.recompile;\n s.state(c.state),\n (s.inputData.recompile = c),\n this.compileMath(s);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n l && !l.done && (n = a.return) && n.call(a);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n this.processed.set('compile');\n }\n return this;\n }),\n (t.prototype.compileMath = function (t) {\n try {\n t.compile(this);\n } catch (e) {\n if (e.retry || e.restart) throw e;\n this.options.compileError(this, t, e),\n (t.inputData.error = e);\n }\n }),\n (t.prototype.compileError = function (t, e) {\n (t.root = this.mmlFactory.create('math', null, [\n this.mmlFactory.create(\n 'merror',\n { 'data-mjx-error': e.message, title: e.message },\n [\n this.mmlFactory.create('mtext', null, [\n this.mmlFactory\n .create('text')\n .setText('Math input error'),\n ]),\n ],\n ),\n ])),\n t.display && t.root.attributes.set('display', 'block'),\n (t.inputData.error = e.message);\n }),\n (t.prototype.typeset = function () {\n var t, e;\n if (!this.processed.isSet('typeset')) {\n try {\n for (\n var r = i(this.math), n = r.next();\n !n.done;\n n = r.next()\n ) {\n var o = n.value;\n try {\n o.typeset(this);\n } catch (t) {\n if (t.retry || t.restart) throw t;\n this.options.typesetError(this, o, t),\n (o.outputData.error = t);\n }\n }\n } catch (e) {\n t = { error: e };\n } finally {\n try {\n n && !n.done && (e = r.return) && e.call(r);\n } finally {\n if (t) throw t.error;\n }\n }\n this.processed.set('typeset');\n }\n return this;\n }),\n (t.prototype.typesetError = function (t, e) {\n (t.typesetRoot = this.adaptor.node(\n 'mjx-container',\n {\n class: 'MathJax mjx-output-error',\n jax: this.outputJax.name,\n },\n [\n this.adaptor.node(\n 'span',\n {\n 'data-mjx-error': e.message,\n title: e.message,\n style: {\n color: 'red',\n 'background-color': 'yellow',\n 'line-height': 'normal',\n },\n },\n [this.adaptor.text('Math output error')],\n ),\n ],\n )),\n t.display &&\n this.adaptor.setAttributes(t.typesetRoot, {\n style: {\n display: 'block',\n margin: '1em 0',\n 'text-align': 'center',\n },\n }),\n (t.outputData.error = e.message);\n }),\n (t.prototype.getMetrics = function () {\n return (\n this.processed.isSet('getMetrics') ||\n (this.outputJax.getMetrics(this),\n this.processed.set('getMetrics')),\n this\n );\n }),\n (t.prototype.updateDocument = function () {\n var t, e;\n if (!this.processed.isSet('updateDocument')) {\n try {\n for (\n var r = i(this.math.reversed()), n = r.next();\n !n.done;\n n = r.next()\n ) {\n n.value.updateDocument(this);\n }\n } catch (e) {\n t = { error: e };\n } finally {\n try {\n n && !n.done && (e = r.return) && e.call(r);\n } finally {\n if (t) throw t.error;\n }\n }\n this.processed.set('updateDocument');\n }\n return this;\n }),\n (t.prototype.removeFromDocument = function (t) {\n return void 0 === t && (t = !1), this;\n }),\n (t.prototype.state = function (t, e) {\n var r, n;\n void 0 === e && (e = !1);\n try {\n for (\n var o = i(this.math), Q = o.next();\n !Q.done;\n Q = o.next()\n ) {\n Q.value.state(t, e);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n Q && !Q.done && (n = o.return) && n.call(o);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n return (\n t < u.STATE.INSERTED &&\n this.processed.clear('updateDocument'),\n t < u.STATE.TYPESET &&\n (this.processed.clear('typeset'),\n this.processed.clear('getMetrics')),\n t < u.STATE.COMPILED && this.processed.clear('compile'),\n this\n );\n }),\n (t.prototype.reset = function (t) {\n var r;\n return (\n void 0 === t && (t = { processed: !0 }),\n (t = (0, s.userOptions)(Object.assign({}, e.resetOptions), t))\n .all && Object.assign(t, e.resetAllOptions),\n t.processed && this.processed.reset(),\n t.inputJax &&\n this.inputJax.forEach(function (e) {\n return e.reset.apply(e, T([], Q(t.inputJax), !1));\n }),\n t.outputJax &&\n (r = this.outputJax).reset.apply(\n r,\n T([], Q(t.outputJax), !1),\n ),\n this\n );\n }),\n (t.prototype.clear = function () {\n return this.reset(), this.math.clear(), this;\n }),\n (t.prototype.concat = function (t) {\n return this.math.merge(t), this;\n }),\n (t.prototype.clearMathItemsWithin = function (t) {\n var e,\n r = this.getMathItemsWithin(t);\n return (e = this.math).remove.apply(e, T([], Q(r), !1)), r;\n }),\n (t.prototype.getMathItemsWithin = function (t) {\n var e, r, n, o;\n Array.isArray(t) || (t = [t]);\n var Q = this.adaptor,\n T = [],\n s = Q.getElements(t, this.document);\n try {\n t: for (\n var a = i(this.math), l = a.next();\n !l.done;\n l = a.next()\n ) {\n var c = l.value;\n try {\n for (\n var u = ((n = void 0), i(s)), p = u.next();\n !p.done;\n p = u.next()\n ) {\n var h = p.value;\n if (c.start.node && Q.contains(h, c.start.node)) {\n T.push(c);\n continue t;\n }\n }\n } catch (t) {\n n = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n p && !p.done && (o = u.return) && o.call(u);\n } finally {\n if (n) throw n.error;\n }\n }\n }\n } catch (t) {\n e = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n l && !l.done && (r = a.return) && r.call(a);\n } finally {\n if (e) throw e.error;\n }\n }\n return T;\n }),\n (t.KIND = 'MathDocument'),\n (t.OPTIONS = {\n OutputJax: null,\n InputJax: null,\n MmlFactory: null,\n MathList: m,\n MathItem: y,\n compileError: function (t, e, r) {\n t.compileError(e, r);\n },\n typesetError: function (t, e, r) {\n t.typesetError(e, r);\n },\n renderActions: (0, s.expandable)({\n find: [u.STATE.FINDMATH, 'findMath', '', !1],\n compile: [u.STATE.COMPILED],\n metrics: [u.STATE.METRICS, 'getMetrics', '', !1],\n typeset: [u.STATE.TYPESET],\n update: [u.STATE.INSERTED, 'updateDocument', !1],\n }),\n }),\n (t.ProcessBits = (0, h.BitFieldClass)(\n 'findMath',\n 'compile',\n 'getMetrics',\n 'typeset',\n 'updateDocument',\n )),\n t\n );\n })();\n e.AbstractMathDocument = H;\n },\n 4474: function (t, e) {\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.newState = e.STATE = e.AbstractMathItem = e.protoItem = void 0),\n (e.protoItem = function (t, e, r, n, o, i, Q) {\n return (\n void 0 === Q && (Q = null),\n {\n open: t,\n math: e,\n close: r,\n n: n,\n start: { n: o },\n end: { n: i },\n display: Q,\n }\n );\n });\n var r = (function () {\n function t(t, r, n, o, i) {\n void 0 === n && (n = !0),\n void 0 === o && (o = { i: 0, n: 0, delim: '' }),\n void 0 === i && (i = { i: 0, n: 0, delim: '' }),\n (this.root = null),\n (this.typesetRoot = null),\n (this.metrics = {}),\n (this.inputData = {}),\n (this.outputData = {}),\n (this._state = e.STATE.UNPROCESSED),\n (this.math = t),\n (this.inputJax = r),\n (this.display = n),\n (this.start = o),\n (this.end = i),\n (this.root = null),\n (this.typesetRoot = null),\n (this.metrics = {}),\n (this.inputData = {}),\n (this.outputData = {});\n }\n return (\n Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, 'isEscaped', {\n get: function () {\n return null === this.display;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (t.prototype.render = function (t) {\n t.renderActions.renderMath(this, t);\n }),\n (t.prototype.rerender = function (t, r) {\n void 0 === r && (r = e.STATE.RERENDER),\n this.state() >= r && this.state(r - 1),\n t.renderActions.renderMath(this, t, r);\n }),\n (t.prototype.convert = function (t, r) {\n void 0 === r && (r = e.STATE.LAST),\n t.renderActions.renderConvert(this, t, r);\n }),\n (t.prototype.compile = function (t) {\n this.state() < e.STATE.COMPILED &&\n ((this.root = this.inputJax.compile(this, t)),\n this.state(e.STATE.COMPILED));\n }),\n (t.prototype.typeset = function (t) {\n this.state() < e.STATE.TYPESET &&\n ((this.typesetRoot = t.outputJax[\n this.isEscaped ? 'escaped' : 'typeset'\n ](this, t)),\n this.state(e.STATE.TYPESET));\n }),\n (t.prototype.updateDocument = function (t) {}),\n (t.prototype.removeFromDocument = function (t) {\n void 0 === t && (t = !1);\n }),\n (t.prototype.setMetrics = function (t, e, r, n, o) {\n this.metrics = {\n em: t,\n ex: e,\n containerWidth: r,\n lineWidth: n,\n scale: o,\n };\n }),\n (t.prototype.state = function (t, r) {\n return (\n void 0 === t && (t = null),\n void 0 === r && (r = !1),\n null != t &&\n (t < e.STATE.INSERTED &&\n this._state >= e.STATE.INSERTED &&\n this.removeFromDocument(r),\n t < e.STATE.TYPESET &&\n this._state >= e.STATE.TYPESET &&\n (this.outputData = {}),\n t < e.STATE.COMPILED &&\n this._state >= e.STATE.COMPILED &&\n (this.inputData = {}),\n (this._state = t)),\n this._state\n );\n }),\n (t.prototype.reset = function (t) {\n void 0 === t && (t = !1), this.state(e.STATE.UNPROCESSED, t);\n }),\n t\n );\n })();\n (e.AbstractMathItem = r),\n (e.STATE = {\n UNPROCESSED: 0,\n FINDMATH: 10,\n COMPILED: 20,\n CONVERT: 100,\n METRICS: 110,\n RERENDER: 125,\n TYPESET: 150,\n INSERTED: 200,\n LAST: 1e4,\n }),\n (e.newState = function (t, r) {\n if (t in e.STATE) throw Error('State ' + t + ' already exists');\n e.STATE[t] = r;\n });\n },\n 9e3: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n });\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.AbstractMathList = void 0);\n var i = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n (e.prototype.isBefore = function (t, e) {\n return (\n t.start.i < e.start.i ||\n (t.start.i === e.start.i && t.start.n < e.start.n)\n );\n }),\n e\n );\n })(r(103).LinkedList);\n e.AbstractMathList = i;\n },\n 91: function (t, e) {\n var r =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e ? 'Object is not iterable.' : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.Attributes = e.INHERIT = void 0),\n (e.INHERIT = '_inherit_');\n var n = (function () {\n function t(t, e) {\n (this.global = e),\n (this.defaults = Object.create(e)),\n (this.inherited = Object.create(this.defaults)),\n (this.attributes = Object.create(this.inherited)),\n Object.assign(this.defaults, t);\n }\n return (\n (t.prototype.set = function (t, e) {\n this.attributes[t] = e;\n }),\n (t.prototype.setList = function (t) {\n Object.assign(this.attributes, t);\n }),\n (t.prototype.get = function (t) {\n var r = this.attributes[t];\n return r === e.INHERIT && (r = this.global[t]), r;\n }),\n (t.prototype.getExplicit = function (t) {\n if (this.attributes.hasOwnProperty(t)) return this.attributes[t];\n }),\n (t.prototype.getList = function () {\n for (var t, e, n = [], o = 0; o < arguments.length; o++)\n n[o] = arguments[o];\n var i = {};\n try {\n for (var Q = r(n), T = Q.next(); !T.done; T = Q.next()) {\n var s = T.value;\n i[s] = this.get(s);\n }\n } catch (e) {\n t = { error: e };\n } finally {\n try {\n T && !T.done && (e = Q.return) && e.call(Q);\n } finally {\n if (t) throw t.error;\n }\n }\n return i;\n }),\n (t.prototype.setInherited = function (t, e) {\n this.inherited[t] = e;\n }),\n (t.prototype.getInherited = function (t) {\n return this.inherited[t];\n }),\n (t.prototype.getDefault = function (t) {\n return this.defaults[t];\n }),\n (t.prototype.isSet = function (t) {\n return (\n this.attributes.hasOwnProperty(t) ||\n this.inherited.hasOwnProperty(t)\n );\n }),\n (t.prototype.hasDefault = function (t) {\n return t in this.defaults;\n }),\n (t.prototype.getExplicitNames = function () {\n return Object.keys(this.attributes);\n }),\n (t.prototype.getInheritedNames = function () {\n return Object.keys(this.inherited);\n }),\n (t.prototype.getDefaultNames = function () {\n return Object.keys(this.defaults);\n }),\n (t.prototype.getGlobalNames = function () {\n return Object.keys(this.global);\n }),\n (t.prototype.getAllAttributes = function () {\n return this.attributes;\n }),\n (t.prototype.getAllInherited = function () {\n return this.inherited;\n }),\n (t.prototype.getAllDefaults = function () {\n return this.defaults;\n }),\n (t.prototype.getAllGlobals = function () {\n return this.global;\n }),\n t\n );\n })();\n e.Attributes = n;\n },\n 6336: function (t, e, r) {\n var n;\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (e.MML = void 0);\n var o = r(9007),\n i = r(3233),\n Q = r(450),\n T = r(3050),\n s = r(2756),\n a = r(4770),\n l = r(6030),\n c = r(7265),\n u = r(9878),\n p = r(6850),\n h = r(7131),\n d = r(6145),\n f = r(1314),\n L = r(1581),\n m = r(7238),\n y = r(5741),\n H = r(5410),\n g = r(6661),\n b = r(9145),\n v = r(4461),\n M = r(5184),\n _ = r(6405),\n V = r(1349),\n O = r(5022),\n S = r(4359),\n E = r(142),\n x = r(7590),\n A = r(3985),\n C = r(9102),\n N = r(3948),\n w = r(1334);\n e.MML =\n (((n = {})[i.MmlMath.prototype.kind] = i.MmlMath),\n (n[Q.MmlMi.prototype.kind] = Q.MmlMi),\n (n[T.MmlMn.prototype.kind] = T.MmlMn),\n (n[s.MmlMo.prototype.kind] = s.MmlMo),\n (n[a.MmlMtext.prototype.kind] = a.MmlMtext),\n (n[l.MmlMspace.prototype.kind] = l.MmlMspace),\n (n[c.MmlMs.prototype.kind] = c.MmlMs),\n (n[u.MmlMrow.prototype.kind] = u.MmlMrow),\n (n[u.MmlInferredMrow.prototype.kind] = u.MmlInferredMrow),\n (n[p.MmlMfrac.prototype.kind] = p.MmlMfrac),\n (n[h.MmlMsqrt.prototype.kind] = h.MmlMsqrt),\n (n[d.MmlMroot.prototype.kind] = d.MmlMroot),\n (n[f.MmlMstyle.prototype.kind] = f.MmlMstyle),\n (n[L.MmlMerror.prototype.kind] = L.MmlMerror),\n (n[m.MmlMpadded.prototype.kind] = m.MmlMpadded),\n (n[y.MmlMphantom.prototype.kind] = y.MmlMphantom),\n (n[H.MmlMfenced.prototype.kind] = H.MmlMfenced),\n (n[g.MmlMenclose.prototype.kind] = g.MmlMenclose),\n (n[b.MmlMaction.prototype.kind] = b.MmlMaction),\n (n[v.MmlMsub.prototype.kind] = v.MmlMsub),\n (n[v.MmlMsup.prototype.kind] = v.MmlMsup),\n (n[v.MmlMsubsup.prototype.kind] = v.MmlMsubsup),\n (n[M.MmlMunder.prototype.kind] = M.MmlMunder),\n (n[M.MmlMover.prototype.kind] = M.MmlMover),\n (n[M.MmlMunderover.prototype.kind] = M.MmlMunderover),\n (n[_.MmlMmultiscripts.prototype.kind] = _.MmlMmultiscripts),\n (n[_.MmlMprescripts.prototype.kind] = _.MmlMprescripts),\n (n[_.MmlNone.prototype.kind] = _.MmlNone),\n (n[V.MmlMtable.prototype.kind] = V.MmlMtable),\n (n[O.MmlMlabeledtr.prototype.kind] = O.MmlMlabeledtr),\n (n[O.MmlMtr.prototype.kind] = O.MmlMtr),\n (n[S.MmlMtd.prototype.kind] = S.MmlMtd),\n (n[E.MmlMaligngroup.prototype.kind] = E.MmlMaligngroup),\n (n[x.MmlMalignmark.prototype.kind] = x.MmlMalignmark),\n (n[A.MmlMglyph.prototype.kind] = A.MmlMglyph),\n (n[C.MmlSemantics.prototype.kind] = C.MmlSemantics),\n (n[C.MmlAnnotation.prototype.kind] = C.MmlAnnotation),\n (n[C.MmlAnnotationXML.prototype.kind] = C.MmlAnnotationXML),\n (n[N.TeXAtom.prototype.kind] = N.TeXAtom),\n (n[w.MathChoice.prototype.kind] = w.MathChoice),\n (n[o.TextNode.prototype.kind] = o.TextNode),\n (n[o.XMLNode.prototype.kind] = o.XMLNode),\n n);\n },\n 1759: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e\n ? 'Object is not iterable.'\n : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MathMLVisitor = void 0);\n var Q = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n var e = (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n return (e.document = null), e;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n (e.prototype.visitTree = function (t, e) {\n this.document = e;\n var r = e.createElement('top');\n return this.visitNode(t, r), (this.document = null), r.firstChild;\n }),\n (e.prototype.visitTextNode = function (t, e) {\n e.appendChild(this.document.createTextNode(t.getText()));\n }),\n (e.prototype.visitXMLNode = function (t, e) {\n e.appendChild(t.getXML().cloneNode(!0));\n }),\n (e.prototype.visitInferredMrowNode = function (t, e) {\n var r, n;\n try {\n for (\n var o = i(t.childNodes), Q = o.next();\n !Q.done;\n Q = o.next()\n ) {\n var T = Q.value;\n this.visitNode(T, e);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n Q && !Q.done && (n = o.return) && n.call(o);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n }),\n (e.prototype.visitDefault = function (t, e) {\n var r,\n n,\n o = this.document.createElement(t.kind);\n this.addAttributes(t, o);\n try {\n for (\n var Q = i(t.childNodes), T = Q.next();\n !T.done;\n T = Q.next()\n ) {\n var s = T.value;\n this.visitNode(s, o);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n T && !T.done && (n = Q.return) && n.call(Q);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n e.appendChild(o);\n }),\n (e.prototype.addAttributes = function (t, e) {\n var r,\n n,\n o = t.attributes,\n Q = o.getExplicitNames();\n try {\n for (var T = i(Q), s = T.next(); !s.done; s = T.next()) {\n var a = s.value;\n e.setAttribute(a, o.getExplicit(a).toString());\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n s && !s.done && (n = T.return) && n.call(T);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n }),\n e\n );\n })(r(6325).MmlVisitor);\n e.MathMLVisitor = Q;\n },\n 3909: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n });\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlFactory = void 0);\n var i = r(7860),\n Q = r(6336),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'MML', {\n get: function () {\n return this.node;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.defaultNodes = Q.MML),\n e\n );\n })(i.AbstractNodeFactory);\n e.MmlFactory = T;\n },\n 9007: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n },\n Q =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e\n ? 'Object is not iterable.'\n : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n },\n T =\n (this && this.__read) ||\n function (t, e) {\n var r = 'function' == typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator];\n if (!r) return t;\n var n,\n o,\n i = r.call(t),\n Q = [];\n try {\n for (; (void 0 === e || e-- > 0) && !(n = i.next()).done; )\n Q.push(n.value);\n } catch (t) {\n o = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n n && !n.done && (r = i.return) && r.call(i);\n } finally {\n if (o) throw o.error;\n }\n }\n return Q;\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.XMLNode =\n e.TextNode =\n e.AbstractMmlEmptyNode =\n e.AbstractMmlBaseNode =\n e.AbstractMmlLayoutNode =\n e.AbstractMmlTokenNode =\n e.AbstractMmlNode =\n e.indentAttributes =\n e.TEXCLASSNAMES =\n e.TEXCLASS =\n void 0);\n var s = r(91),\n a = r(4596);\n (e.TEXCLASS = {\n ORD: 0,\n OP: 1,\n BIN: 2,\n REL: 3,\n OPEN: 4,\n CLOSE: 5,\n PUNCT: 6,\n INNER: 7,\n VCENTER: 8,\n NONE: -1,\n }),\n (e.TEXCLASSNAMES = [\n 'ORD',\n 'OP',\n 'BIN',\n 'REL',\n 'OPEN',\n 'CLOSE',\n 'PUNCT',\n 'INNER',\n 'VCENTER',\n ]);\n var l = ['', 'thinmathspace', 'mediummathspace', 'thickmathspace'],\n c = [\n [0, -1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 1],\n [-1, -1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 1],\n [2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2],\n [3, 3, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 3],\n [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],\n [0, -1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 1],\n [1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],\n [1, -1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 1, 1],\n ];\n e.indentAttributes = [\n 'indentalign',\n 'indentalignfirst',\n 'indentshift',\n 'indentshiftfirst',\n ];\n var u = (function (t) {\n function r(e, r, n) {\n void 0 === r && (r = {}), void 0 === n && (n = []);\n var o = t.call(this, e) || this;\n return (\n (o.prevClass = null),\n (o.prevLevel = null),\n (o.texclass = null),\n o.arity < 0 &&\n ((o.childNodes = [e.create('inferredMrow')]),\n (o.childNodes[0].parent = o)),\n o.setChildren(n),\n (o.attributes = new s.Attributes(\n e.getNodeClass(o.kind).defaults,\n e.getNodeClass('math').defaults,\n )),\n o.attributes.setList(r),\n o\n );\n }\n return (\n o(r, t),\n (r.prototype.copy = function (t) {\n var e, r, n, o;\n void 0 === t && (t = !1);\n var T = this.factory.create(this.kind);\n if (((T.properties = i({}, this.properties)), this.attributes)) {\n var s = this.attributes.getAllAttributes();\n try {\n for (\n var a = Q(Object.keys(s)), l = a.next();\n !l.done;\n l = a.next()\n ) {\n var c = l.value;\n ('id' !== c || t) && T.attributes.set(c, s[c]);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n e = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n l && !l.done && (r = a.return) && r.call(a);\n } finally {\n if (e) throw e.error;\n }\n }\n }\n if (this.childNodes && this.childNodes.length) {\n var u = this.childNodes;\n 1 === u.length && u[0].isInferred && (u = u[0].childNodes);\n try {\n for (var p = Q(u), h = p.next(); !h.done; h = p.next()) {\n var d = h.value;\n d ? T.appendChild(d.copy()) : T.childNodes.push(null);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n n = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n h && !h.done && (o = p.return) && o.call(p);\n } finally {\n if (n) throw n.error;\n }\n }\n }\n return T;\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'texClass', {\n get: function () {\n return this.texclass;\n },\n set: function (t) {\n this.texclass = t;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'isToken', {\n get: function () {\n return !1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'isEmbellished', {\n get: function () {\n return !1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'isSpacelike', {\n get: function () {\n return !1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'linebreakContainer', {\n get: function () {\n return !1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'hasNewLine', {\n get: function () {\n return !1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return 1 / 0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'isInferred', {\n get: function () {\n return !1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'Parent', {\n get: function () {\n for (var t = this.parent; t && t.notParent; ) t = t.Parent;\n return t;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'notParent', {\n get: function () {\n return !1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (r.prototype.setChildren = function (e) {\n return this.arity < 0\n ? this.childNodes[0].setChildren(e)\n : t.prototype.setChildren.call(this, e);\n }),\n (r.prototype.appendChild = function (e) {\n var r,\n n,\n o = this;\n if (this.arity < 0) return this.childNodes[0].appendChild(e), e;\n if (e.isInferred) {\n if (this.arity === 1 / 0)\n return (\n e.childNodes.forEach(function (e) {\n return t.prototype.appendChild.call(o, e);\n }),\n e\n );\n var i = e;\n (e = this.factory.create('mrow')).setChildren(i.childNodes),\n (e.attributes = i.attributes);\n try {\n for (\n var T = Q(i.getPropertyNames()), s = T.next();\n !s.done;\n s = T.next()\n ) {\n var a = s.value;\n e.setProperty(a, i.getProperty(a));\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n s && !s.done && (n = T.return) && n.call(T);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n }\n return t.prototype.appendChild.call(this, e);\n }),\n (r.prototype.replaceChild = function (e, r) {\n return this.arity < 0\n ? (this.childNodes[0].replaceChild(e, r), e)\n : t.prototype.replaceChild.call(this, e, r);\n }),\n (r.prototype.core = function () {\n return this;\n }),\n (r.prototype.coreMO = function () {\n return this;\n }),\n (r.prototype.coreIndex = function () {\n return 0;\n }),\n (r.prototype.childPosition = function () {\n for (var t, e, r = this, n = r.parent; n && n.notParent; )\n (r = n), (n = n.parent);\n if (n) {\n var o = 0;\n try {\n for (\n var i = Q(n.childNodes), T = i.next();\n !T.done;\n T = i.next()\n ) {\n if (T.value === r) return o;\n o++;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n t = { error: e };\n } finally {\n try {\n T && !T.done && (e = i.return) && e.call(i);\n } finally {\n if (t) throw t.error;\n }\n }\n }\n return null;\n }),\n (r.prototype.setTeXclass = function (t) {\n return this.getPrevClass(t), null != this.texClass ? this : t;\n }),\n (r.prototype.updateTeXclass = function (t) {\n t &&\n ((this.prevClass = t.prevClass),\n (this.prevLevel = t.prevLevel),\n (t.prevClass = t.prevLevel = null),\n (this.texClass = t.texClass));\n }),\n (r.prototype.getPrevClass = function (t) {\n t &&\n ((this.prevClass = t.texClass),\n (this.prevLevel = t.attributes.get('scriptlevel')));\n }),\n (r.prototype.texSpacing = function () {\n var t = null != this.prevClass ? this.prevClass : e.TEXCLASS.NONE,\n r = this.texClass || e.TEXCLASS.ORD;\n if (t === e.TEXCLASS.NONE || r === e.TEXCLASS.NONE) return '';\n t === e.TEXCLASS.VCENTER && (t = e.TEXCLASS.ORD),\n r === e.TEXCLASS.VCENTER && (r = e.TEXCLASS.ORD);\n var n = c[t][r];\n return (this.prevLevel > 0 ||\n this.attributes.get('scriptlevel') > 0) &&\n n >= 0\n ? ''\n : l[Math.abs(n)];\n }),\n (r.prototype.hasSpacingAttributes = function () {\n return this.isEmbellished && this.coreMO().hasSpacingAttributes();\n }),\n (r.prototype.setInheritedAttributes = function (t, e, n, o) {\n var i, s;\n void 0 === t && (t = {}),\n void 0 === e && (e = !1),\n void 0 === n && (n = 0),\n void 0 === o && (o = !1);\n var a = this.attributes.getAllDefaults();\n try {\n for (\n var l = Q(Object.keys(t)), c = l.next();\n !c.done;\n c = l.next()\n ) {\n var u = c.value;\n if (\n a.hasOwnProperty(u) ||\n r.alwaysInherit.hasOwnProperty(u)\n ) {\n var p = T(t[u], 2),\n h = p[0],\n d = p[1];\n ((r.noInherit[h] || {})[this.kind] || {})[u] ||\n this.attributes.setInherited(u, d);\n }\n }\n } catch (t) {\n i = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n c && !c.done && (s = l.return) && s.call(l);\n } finally {\n if (i) throw i.error;\n }\n }\n void 0 === this.attributes.getExplicit('displaystyle') &&\n this.attributes.setInherited('displaystyle', e),\n void 0 === this.attributes.getExplicit('scriptlevel') &&\n this.attributes.setInherited('scriptlevel', n),\n o && this.setProperty('texprimestyle', o);\n var f = this.arity;\n if (\n f >= 0 &&\n f !== 1 / 0 &&\n ((1 === f && 0 === this.childNodes.length) ||\n (1 !== f && this.childNodes.length !== f))\n )\n if (f < this.childNodes.length)\n this.childNodes = this.childNodes.slice(0, f);\n else\n for (; this.childNodes.length < f; )\n this.appendChild(this.factory.create('mrow'));\n this.setChildInheritedAttributes(t, e, n, o);\n }),\n (r.prototype.setChildInheritedAttributes = function (t, e, r, n) {\n var o, i;\n try {\n for (\n var T = Q(this.childNodes), s = T.next();\n !s.done;\n s = T.next()\n ) {\n s.value.setInheritedAttributes(t, e, r, n);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n o = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n s && !s.done && (i = T.return) && i.call(T);\n } finally {\n if (o) throw o.error;\n }\n }\n }),\n (r.prototype.addInheritedAttributes = function (t, e) {\n var r,\n n,\n o = i({}, t);\n try {\n for (\n var T = Q(Object.keys(e)), s = T.next();\n !s.done;\n s = T.next()\n ) {\n var a = s.value;\n 'displaystyle' !== a &&\n 'scriptlevel' !== a &&\n 'style' !== a &&\n (o[a] = [this.kind, e[a]]);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n s && !s.done && (n = T.return) && n.call(T);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n return o;\n }),\n (r.prototype.inheritAttributesFrom = function (t) {\n var e = t.attributes,\n r = e.get('displaystyle'),\n n = e.get('scriptlevel'),\n o = e.isSet('mathsize')\n ? { mathsize: ['math', e.get('mathsize')] }\n : {},\n i = t.getProperty('texprimestyle') || !1;\n this.setInheritedAttributes(o, r, n, i);\n }),\n (r.prototype.verifyTree = function (t) {\n if ((void 0 === t && (t = null), null !== t)) {\n this.verifyAttributes(t);\n var e = this.arity;\n t.checkArity &&\n e >= 0 &&\n e !== 1 / 0 &&\n ((1 === e && 0 === this.childNodes.length) ||\n (1 !== e && this.childNodes.length !== e)) &&\n this.mError(\n 'Wrong number of children for \"' + this.kind + '\" node',\n t,\n !0,\n ),\n this.verifyChildren(t);\n }\n }),\n (r.prototype.verifyAttributes = function (t) {\n var e, r;\n if (t.checkAttributes) {\n var n = this.attributes,\n o = [];\n try {\n for (\n var i = Q(n.getExplicitNames()), T = i.next();\n !T.done;\n T = i.next()\n ) {\n var s = T.value;\n 'data-' === s.substr(0, 5) ||\n void 0 !== n.getDefault(s) ||\n s.match(/^(?:class|style|id|(?:xlink:)?href)$/) ||\n o.push(s);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n e = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n T && !T.done && (r = i.return) && r.call(i);\n } finally {\n if (e) throw e.error;\n }\n }\n o.length &&\n this.mError(\n 'Unknown attributes for ' +\n this.kind +\n ' node: ' +\n o.join(', '),\n t,\n );\n }\n }),\n (r.prototype.verifyChildren = function (t) {\n var e, r;\n try {\n for (\n var n = Q(this.childNodes), o = n.next();\n !o.done;\n o = n.next()\n ) {\n o.value.verifyTree(t);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n e = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n o && !o.done && (r = n.return) && r.call(n);\n } finally {\n if (e) throw e.error;\n }\n }\n }),\n (r.prototype.mError = function (t, e, r) {\n if (\n (void 0 === r && (r = !1),\n this.parent && this.parent.isKind('merror'))\n )\n return null;\n var n = this.factory.create('merror');\n if (\n (n.attributes.set('data-mjx-message', t), e.fullErrors || r)\n ) {\n var o = this.factory.create('mtext'),\n i = this.factory.create('text');\n i.setText(e.fullErrors ? t : this.kind),\n o.appendChild(i),\n n.appendChild(o),\n this.parent.replaceChild(n, this);\n } else this.parent.replaceChild(n, this), n.appendChild(this);\n return n;\n }),\n (r.defaults = {\n mathbackground: s.INHERIT,\n mathcolor: s.INHERIT,\n mathsize: s.INHERIT,\n dir: s.INHERIT,\n }),\n (r.noInherit = {\n mstyle: {\n mpadded: {\n width: !0,\n height: !0,\n depth: !0,\n lspace: !0,\n voffset: !0,\n },\n mtable: { width: !0, height: !0, depth: !0, align: !0 },\n },\n maligngroup: {\n mrow: { groupalign: !0 },\n mtable: { groupalign: !0 },\n },\n }),\n (r.alwaysInherit = { scriptminsize: !0, scriptsizemultiplier: !0 }),\n (r.verifyDefaults = {\n checkArity: !0,\n checkAttributes: !1,\n fullErrors: !1,\n fixMmultiscripts: !0,\n fixMtables: !0,\n }),\n r\n );\n })(a.AbstractNode);\n e.AbstractMmlNode = u;\n var p = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'isToken', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.getText = function () {\n var t,\n e,\n r = '';\n try {\n for (\n var n = Q(this.childNodes), o = n.next();\n !o.done;\n o = n.next()\n ) {\n var i = o.value;\n i instanceof L && (r += i.getText());\n }\n } catch (e) {\n t = { error: e };\n } finally {\n try {\n o && !o.done && (e = n.return) && e.call(n);\n } finally {\n if (t) throw t.error;\n }\n }\n return r;\n }),\n (e.prototype.setChildInheritedAttributes = function (t, e, r, n) {\n var o, i;\n try {\n for (\n var T = Q(this.childNodes), s = T.next();\n !s.done;\n s = T.next()\n ) {\n var a = s.value;\n a instanceof u && a.setInheritedAttributes(t, e, r, n);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n o = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n s && !s.done && (i = T.return) && i.call(T);\n } finally {\n if (o) throw o.error;\n }\n }\n }),\n (e.prototype.walkTree = function (t, e) {\n var r, n;\n t(this, e);\n try {\n for (\n var o = Q(this.childNodes), i = o.next();\n !i.done;\n i = o.next()\n ) {\n var T = i.value;\n T instanceof u && T.walkTree(t, e);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n i && !i.done && (n = o.return) && n.call(o);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n return e;\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, u.defaults), {\n mathvariant: 'normal',\n mathsize: s.INHERIT,\n })),\n e\n );\n })(u);\n e.AbstractMmlTokenNode = p;\n var h = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'isSpacelike', {\n get: function () {\n return this.childNodes[0].isSpacelike;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'isEmbellished', {\n get: function () {\n return this.childNodes[0].isEmbellished;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return -1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.core = function () {\n return this.childNodes[0];\n }),\n (e.prototype.coreMO = function () {\n return this.childNodes[0].coreMO();\n }),\n (e.prototype.setTeXclass = function (t) {\n return (\n (t = this.childNodes[0].setTeXclass(t)),\n this.updateTeXclass(this.childNodes[0]),\n t\n );\n }),\n (e.defaults = u.defaults),\n e\n );\n })(u);\n e.AbstractMmlLayoutNode = h;\n var d = (function (t) {\n function r() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(r, t),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'isEmbellished', {\n get: function () {\n return this.childNodes[0].isEmbellished;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (r.prototype.core = function () {\n return this.childNodes[0];\n }),\n (r.prototype.coreMO = function () {\n return this.childNodes[0].coreMO();\n }),\n (r.prototype.setTeXclass = function (t) {\n var r, n;\n this.getPrevClass(t), (this.texClass = e.TEXCLASS.ORD);\n var o = this.childNodes[0];\n o\n ? this.isEmbellished || o.isKind('mi')\n ? ((t = o.setTeXclass(t)), this.updateTeXclass(this.core()))\n : (o.setTeXclass(null), (t = this))\n : (t = this);\n try {\n for (\n var i = Q(this.childNodes.slice(1)), T = i.next();\n !T.done;\n T = i.next()\n ) {\n var s = T.value;\n s && s.setTeXclass(null);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n T && !T.done && (n = i.return) && n.call(i);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n return t;\n }),\n (r.defaults = u.defaults),\n r\n );\n })(u);\n e.AbstractMmlBaseNode = d;\n var f = (function (t) {\n function r() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(r, t),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'isToken', {\n get: function () {\n return !1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'isEmbellished', {\n get: function () {\n return !1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'isSpacelike', {\n get: function () {\n return !1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'linebreakContainer', {\n get: function () {\n return !1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'hasNewLine', {\n get: function () {\n return !1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return 0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'isInferred', {\n get: function () {\n return !1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'notParent', {\n get: function () {\n return !1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'Parent', {\n get: function () {\n return this.parent;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'texClass', {\n get: function () {\n return e.TEXCLASS.NONE;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'prevClass', {\n get: function () {\n return e.TEXCLASS.NONE;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'prevLevel', {\n get: function () {\n return 0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (r.prototype.hasSpacingAttributes = function () {\n return !1;\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, 'attributes', {\n get: function () {\n return null;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (r.prototype.core = function () {\n return this;\n }),\n (r.prototype.coreMO = function () {\n return this;\n }),\n (r.prototype.coreIndex = function () {\n return 0;\n }),\n (r.prototype.childPosition = function () {\n return 0;\n }),\n (r.prototype.setTeXclass = function (t) {\n return t;\n }),\n (r.prototype.texSpacing = function () {\n return '';\n }),\n (r.prototype.setInheritedAttributes = function (t, e, r, n) {}),\n (r.prototype.inheritAttributesFrom = function (t) {}),\n (r.prototype.verifyTree = function (t) {}),\n (r.prototype.mError = function (t, e, r) {\n return void 0 === r && (r = !1), null;\n }),\n r\n );\n })(a.AbstractEmptyNode);\n e.AbstractMmlEmptyNode = f;\n var L = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n var e = (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n return (e.text = ''), e;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'text';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.getText = function () {\n return this.text;\n }),\n (e.prototype.setText = function (t) {\n return (this.text = t), this;\n }),\n (e.prototype.copy = function () {\n return this.factory.create(this.kind).setText(this.getText());\n }),\n (e.prototype.toString = function () {\n return this.text;\n }),\n e\n );\n })(f);\n e.TextNode = L;\n var m = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n var e = (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n return (e.xml = null), (e.adaptor = null), e;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'XML';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.getXML = function () {\n return this.xml;\n }),\n (e.prototype.setXML = function (t, e) {\n return (\n void 0 === e && (e = null),\n (this.xml = t),\n (this.adaptor = e),\n this\n );\n }),\n (e.prototype.getSerializedXML = function () {\n return this.adaptor.serializeXML(this.xml);\n }),\n (e.prototype.copy = function () {\n return this.factory\n .create(this.kind)\n .setXML(this.adaptor.clone(this.xml));\n }),\n (e.prototype.toString = function () {\n return 'XML data';\n }),\n e\n );\n })(f);\n e.XMLNode = m;\n },\n 3948: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.TeXAtom = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = r(2756),\n s = (function (t) {\n function e(e, r, n) {\n var o = t.call(this, e, r, n) || this;\n return (\n (o.texclass = Q.TEXCLASS.ORD),\n o.setProperty('texClass', o.texClass),\n o\n );\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'TeXAtom';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return -1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'notParent', {\n get: function () {\n return (\n this.childNodes[0] &&\n 1 === this.childNodes[0].childNodes.length\n );\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.setTeXclass = function (t) {\n return (\n this.childNodes[0].setTeXclass(null), this.adjustTeXclass(t)\n );\n }),\n (e.prototype.adjustTeXclass = function (t) {\n return t;\n }),\n (e.defaults = i({}, Q.AbstractMmlBaseNode.defaults)),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlBaseNode);\n (e.TeXAtom = s),\n (s.prototype.adjustTeXclass = T.MmlMo.prototype.adjustTeXclass);\n },\n 9145: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMaction = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'maction';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return 1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'selected', {\n get: function () {\n var t = this.attributes.get('selection'),\n e = Math.max(1, Math.min(this.childNodes.length, t)) - 1;\n return this.childNodes[e] || this.factory.create('mrow');\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'isEmbellished', {\n get: function () {\n return this.selected.isEmbellished;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'isSpacelike', {\n get: function () {\n return this.selected.isSpacelike;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.core = function () {\n return this.selected.core();\n }),\n (e.prototype.coreMO = function () {\n return this.selected.coreMO();\n }),\n (e.prototype.verifyAttributes = function (e) {\n (t.prototype.verifyAttributes.call(this, e),\n 'toggle' !== this.attributes.get('actiontype') &&\n void 0 !== this.attributes.getExplicit('selection')) &&\n delete this.attributes.getAllAttributes().selection;\n }),\n (e.prototype.setTeXclass = function (t) {\n 'tooltip' === this.attributes.get('actiontype') &&\n this.childNodes[1] &&\n this.childNodes[1].setTeXclass(null);\n var e = this.selected;\n return (t = e.setTeXclass(t)), this.updateTeXclass(e), t;\n }),\n (e.prototype.nextToggleSelection = function () {\n var t = Math.max(1, this.attributes.get('selection') + 1);\n t > this.childNodes.length && (t = 1),\n this.attributes.set('selection', t);\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, Q.AbstractMmlNode.defaults), {\n actiontype: 'toggle',\n selection: 1,\n })),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlNode);\n e.MmlMaction = T;\n },\n 142: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMaligngroup = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = r(91),\n s = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'maligngroup';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'isSpacelike', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.setChildInheritedAttributes = function (e, r, n, o) {\n (e = this.addInheritedAttributes(\n e,\n this.attributes.getAllAttributes(),\n )),\n t.prototype.setChildInheritedAttributes.call(\n this,\n e,\n r,\n n,\n o,\n );\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, Q.AbstractMmlLayoutNode.defaults), {\n groupalign: T.INHERIT,\n })),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlLayoutNode);\n e.MmlMaligngroup = s;\n },\n 7590: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMalignmark = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'malignmark';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return 0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'isSpacelike', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, Q.AbstractMmlNode.defaults), {\n edge: 'left',\n })),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlNode);\n e.MmlMalignmark = T;\n },\n 3233: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMath = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'math';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'linebreakContainer', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.setChildInheritedAttributes = function (e, r, n, o) {\n 'display' === this.attributes.get('mode') &&\n this.attributes.setInherited('display', 'block'),\n (e = this.addInheritedAttributes(\n e,\n this.attributes.getAllAttributes(),\n )),\n (r =\n !!this.attributes.get('displaystyle') ||\n (!this.attributes.get('displaystyle') &&\n 'block' === this.attributes.get('display'))),\n this.attributes.setInherited('displaystyle', r),\n (n =\n this.attributes.get('scriptlevel') ||\n this.constructor.defaults.scriptlevel),\n t.prototype.setChildInheritedAttributes.call(\n this,\n e,\n r,\n n,\n o,\n );\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, Q.AbstractMmlLayoutNode.defaults), {\n mathvariant: 'normal',\n mathsize: 'normal',\n mathcolor: '',\n mathbackground: 'transparent',\n dir: 'ltr',\n scriptlevel: 0,\n displaystyle: !1,\n display: 'inline',\n maxwidth: '',\n overflow: 'linebreak',\n altimg: '',\n 'altimg-width': '',\n 'altimg-height': '',\n 'altimg-valign': '',\n alttext: '',\n cdgroup: '',\n scriptsizemultiplier: 1 / Math.sqrt(2),\n scriptminsize: '8px',\n infixlinebreakstyle: 'before',\n lineleading: '1ex',\n linebreakmultchar: '\\u2062',\n indentshift: 'auto',\n indentalign: 'auto',\n indenttarget: '',\n indentalignfirst: 'indentalign',\n indentshiftfirst: 'indentshift',\n indentalignlast: 'indentalign',\n indentshiftlast: 'indentshift',\n })),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlLayoutNode);\n e.MmlMath = T;\n },\n 1334: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MathChoice = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'MathChoice';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return 4;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'notParent', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.setInheritedAttributes = function (t, e, r, n) {\n var o = e ? 0 : Math.max(0, Math.min(r, 2)) + 1,\n i = this.childNodes[o] || this.factory.create('mrow');\n this.parent.replaceChild(i, this),\n i.setInheritedAttributes(t, e, r, n);\n }),\n (e.defaults = i({}, Q.AbstractMmlBaseNode.defaults)),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlBaseNode);\n e.MathChoice = T;\n },\n 6661: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMenclose = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n var e = (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n return (e.texclass = Q.TEXCLASS.ORD), e;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'menclose';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return -1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'linebreakContininer', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.setTeXclass = function (t) {\n return (\n (t = this.childNodes[0].setTeXclass(t)),\n this.updateTeXclass(this.childNodes[0]),\n t\n );\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, Q.AbstractMmlNode.defaults), {\n notation: 'longdiv',\n })),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlNode);\n e.MmlMenclose = T;\n },\n 1581: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMerror = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n var e = (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n return (e.texclass = Q.TEXCLASS.ORD), e;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'merror';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return -1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'linebreakContainer', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.defaults = i({}, Q.AbstractMmlNode.defaults)),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlNode);\n e.MmlMerror = T;\n },\n 5410: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n },\n Q =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e\n ? 'Object is not iterable.'\n : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMfenced = void 0);\n var T = r(9007),\n s = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n var e = (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n return (\n (e.texclass = T.TEXCLASS.INNER),\n (e.separators = []),\n (e.open = null),\n (e.close = null),\n e\n );\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mfenced';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.setTeXclass = function (t) {\n this.getPrevClass(t),\n this.open && (t = this.open.setTeXclass(t)),\n this.childNodes[0] && (t = this.childNodes[0].setTeXclass(t));\n for (var e = 1, r = this.childNodes.length; e < r; e++)\n this.separators[e - 1] &&\n (t = this.separators[e - 1].setTeXclass(t)),\n this.childNodes[e] &&\n (t = this.childNodes[e].setTeXclass(t));\n return (\n this.close && (t = this.close.setTeXclass(t)),\n this.updateTeXclass(this.open),\n t\n );\n }),\n (e.prototype.setChildInheritedAttributes = function (e, r, n, o) {\n var i, T;\n this.addFakeNodes();\n try {\n for (\n var s = Q([this.open, this.close].concat(this.separators)),\n a = s.next();\n !a.done;\n a = s.next()\n ) {\n var l = a.value;\n l && l.setInheritedAttributes(e, r, n, o);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n i = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n a && !a.done && (T = s.return) && T.call(s);\n } finally {\n if (i) throw i.error;\n }\n }\n t.prototype.setChildInheritedAttributes.call(this, e, r, n, o);\n }),\n (e.prototype.addFakeNodes = function () {\n var t,\n e,\n r = this.attributes.getList('open', 'close', 'separators'),\n n = r.open,\n o = r.close,\n i = r.separators;\n if (\n ((n = n.replace(/[ \\t\\n\\r]/g, '')),\n (o = o.replace(/[ \\t\\n\\r]/g, '')),\n (i = i.replace(/[ \\t\\n\\r]/g, '')),\n n &&\n (this.open = this.fakeNode(\n n,\n { fence: !0, form: 'prefix' },\n T.TEXCLASS.OPEN,\n )),\n i)\n ) {\n for (; i.length < this.childNodes.length - 1; )\n i += i.charAt(i.length - 1);\n var s = 0;\n try {\n for (\n var a = Q(this.childNodes.slice(1)), l = a.next();\n !l.done;\n l = a.next()\n ) {\n l.value &&\n this.separators.push(this.fakeNode(i.charAt(s++)));\n }\n } catch (e) {\n t = { error: e };\n } finally {\n try {\n l && !l.done && (e = a.return) && e.call(a);\n } finally {\n if (t) throw t.error;\n }\n }\n }\n o &&\n (this.close = this.fakeNode(\n o,\n { fence: !0, form: 'postfix' },\n T.TEXCLASS.CLOSE,\n ));\n }),\n (e.prototype.fakeNode = function (t, e, r) {\n void 0 === e && (e = {}), void 0 === r && (r = null);\n var n = this.factory.create('text').setText(t),\n o = this.factory.create('mo', e, [n]);\n return (o.texClass = r), (o.parent = this), o;\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, T.AbstractMmlNode.defaults), {\n open: '(',\n close: ')',\n separators: ',',\n })),\n e\n );\n })(T.AbstractMmlNode);\n e.MmlMfenced = s;\n },\n 6850: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n },\n Q =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e\n ? 'Object is not iterable.'\n : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMfrac = void 0);\n var T = r(9007),\n s = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mfrac';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return 2;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'linebreakContainer', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.setTeXclass = function (t) {\n var e, r;\n this.getPrevClass(t);\n try {\n for (\n var n = Q(this.childNodes), o = n.next();\n !o.done;\n o = n.next()\n ) {\n o.value.setTeXclass(null);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n e = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n o && !o.done && (r = n.return) && r.call(n);\n } finally {\n if (e) throw e.error;\n }\n }\n return this;\n }),\n (e.prototype.setChildInheritedAttributes = function (t, e, r, n) {\n (!e || r > 0) && r++,\n this.childNodes[0].setInheritedAttributes(t, !1, r, n),\n this.childNodes[1].setInheritedAttributes(t, !1, r, !0);\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, T.AbstractMmlBaseNode.defaults), {\n linethickness: 'medium',\n numalign: 'center',\n denomalign: 'center',\n bevelled: !1,\n })),\n e\n );\n })(T.AbstractMmlBaseNode);\n e.MmlMfrac = s;\n },\n 3985: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMglyph = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n var e = (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n return (e.texclass = Q.TEXCLASS.ORD), e;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mglyph';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.verifyAttributes = function (e) {\n var r = this.attributes.getList('src', 'fontfamily', 'index'),\n n = r.src,\n o = r.fontfamily,\n i = r.index;\n '' !== n || ('' !== o && '' !== i)\n ? t.prototype.verifyAttributes.call(this, e)\n : this.mError(\n 'mglyph must have either src or fontfamily and index attributes',\n e,\n !0,\n );\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, Q.AbstractMmlTokenNode.defaults), {\n alt: '',\n src: '',\n index: '',\n width: 'auto',\n height: 'auto',\n valign: '0em',\n })),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlTokenNode);\n e.MmlMglyph = T;\n },\n 450: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMi = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n var e = (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n return (e.texclass = Q.TEXCLASS.ORD), e;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mi';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.setInheritedAttributes = function (r, n, o, i) {\n void 0 === r && (r = {}),\n void 0 === n && (n = !1),\n void 0 === o && (o = 0),\n void 0 === i && (i = !1),\n t.prototype.setInheritedAttributes.call(this, r, n, o, i),\n this.getText().match(e.singleCharacter) &&\n !r.mathvariant &&\n this.attributes.setInherited('mathvariant', 'italic');\n }),\n (e.prototype.setTeXclass = function (t) {\n this.getPrevClass(t);\n var r = this.getText();\n return (\n r.length > 1 &&\n r.match(e.operatorName) &&\n 'normal' === this.attributes.get('mathvariant') &&\n void 0 === this.getProperty('autoOP') &&\n void 0 === this.getProperty('texClass') &&\n ((this.texClass = Q.TEXCLASS.OP),\n this.setProperty('autoOP', !0)),\n this\n );\n }),\n (e.defaults = i({}, Q.AbstractMmlTokenNode.defaults)),\n (e.operatorName = /^[a-z][a-z0-9]*$/i),\n (e.singleCharacter =\n /^[\\uD800-\\uDBFF]?.[\\u0300-\\u036F\\u1AB0-\\u1ABE\\u1DC0-\\u1DFF\\u20D0-\\u20EF]*$/),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlTokenNode);\n e.MmlMi = T;\n },\n 6405: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlNone = e.MmlMprescripts = e.MmlMmultiscripts = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = r(4461),\n s = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mmultiscripts';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return 1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.setChildInheritedAttributes = function (t, e, r, n) {\n this.childNodes[0].setInheritedAttributes(t, e, r, n);\n for (\n var o = !1, i = 1, Q = 0;\n i < this.childNodes.length;\n i++\n ) {\n var T = this.childNodes[i];\n if (T.isKind('mprescripts')) {\n if (!o && ((o = !0), i % 2 == 0)) {\n var s = this.factory.create('mrow');\n this.childNodes.splice(i, 0, s), (s.parent = this), i++;\n }\n } else {\n var a = n || Q % 2 == 0;\n T.setInheritedAttributes(t, !1, r + 1, a), Q++;\n }\n }\n this.childNodes.length % 2 == (o ? 1 : 0) &&\n (this.appendChild(this.factory.create('mrow')),\n this.childNodes[\n this.childNodes.length - 1\n ].setInheritedAttributes(t, !1, r + 1, n));\n }),\n (e.prototype.verifyChildren = function (e) {\n for (\n var r = !1, n = e.fixMmultiscripts, o = 0;\n o < this.childNodes.length;\n o++\n ) {\n var i = this.childNodes[o];\n i.isKind('mprescripts') &&\n (r\n ? i.mError(\n i.kind + ' can only appear once in ' + this.kind,\n e,\n !0,\n )\n : ((r = !0),\n o % 2 != 0 ||\n n ||\n this.mError(\n 'There must be an equal number of prescripts of each type',\n e,\n )));\n }\n this.childNodes.length % 2 != (r ? 1 : 0) ||\n n ||\n this.mError(\n 'There must be an equal number of scripts of each type',\n e,\n ),\n t.prototype.verifyChildren.call(this, e);\n }),\n (e.defaults = i({}, T.MmlMsubsup.defaults)),\n e\n );\n })(T.MmlMsubsup);\n e.MmlMmultiscripts = s;\n var a = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mprescripts';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return 0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.verifyTree = function (e) {\n t.prototype.verifyTree.call(this, e),\n this.parent &&\n !this.parent.isKind('mmultiscripts') &&\n this.mError(\n this.kind + ' must be a child of mmultiscripts',\n e,\n !0,\n );\n }),\n (e.defaults = i({}, Q.AbstractMmlNode.defaults)),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlNode);\n e.MmlMprescripts = a;\n var l = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'none';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return 0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.verifyTree = function (e) {\n t.prototype.verifyTree.call(this, e),\n this.parent &&\n !this.parent.isKind('mmultiscripts') &&\n this.mError(\n this.kind + ' must be a child of mmultiscripts',\n e,\n !0,\n );\n }),\n (e.defaults = i({}, Q.AbstractMmlNode.defaults)),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlNode);\n e.MmlNone = l;\n },\n 3050: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMn = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n var e = (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n return (e.texclass = Q.TEXCLASS.ORD), e;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mn';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.defaults = i({}, Q.AbstractMmlTokenNode.defaults)),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlTokenNode);\n e.MmlMn = T;\n },\n 2756: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n },\n Q =\n (this && this.__read) ||\n function (t, e) {\n var r = 'function' == typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator];\n if (!r) return t;\n var n,\n o,\n i = r.call(t),\n Q = [];\n try {\n for (; (void 0 === e || e-- > 0) && !(n = i.next()).done; )\n Q.push(n.value);\n } catch (t) {\n o = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n n && !n.done && (r = i.return) && r.call(i);\n } finally {\n if (o) throw o.error;\n }\n }\n return Q;\n },\n T =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e\n ? 'Object is not iterable.'\n : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMo = void 0);\n var s = r(9007),\n a = r(4082),\n l = r(505),\n c = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n var e = (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n return (\n (e._texClass = null),\n (e.lspace = 5 / 18),\n (e.rspace = 5 / 18),\n e\n );\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'texClass', {\n get: function () {\n if (null === this._texClass) {\n var t = this.getText(),\n e = Q(this.handleExplicitForm(this.getForms()), 3),\n r = e[0],\n n = e[1],\n o = e[2],\n i = this.constructor.OPTABLE,\n T = i[r][t] || i[n][t] || i[o][t];\n return T ? T[2] : s.TEXCLASS.REL;\n }\n return this._texClass;\n },\n set: function (t) {\n this._texClass = t;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mo';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'isEmbellished', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'hasNewLine', {\n get: function () {\n return 'newline' === this.attributes.get('linebreak');\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.coreParent = function () {\n for (\n var t = this, e = this, r = this.factory.getNodeClass('math');\n e &&\n e.isEmbellished &&\n e.coreMO() === this &&\n !(e instanceof r);\n\n )\n (t = e), (e = e.parent);\n return t;\n }),\n (e.prototype.coreText = function (t) {\n if (!t) return '';\n if (t.isEmbellished) return t.coreMO().getText();\n for (\n ;\n (((t.isKind('mrow') ||\n (t.isKind('TeXAtom') &&\n t.texClass !== s.TEXCLASS.VCENTER) ||\n t.isKind('mstyle') ||\n t.isKind('mphantom')) &&\n 1 === t.childNodes.length) ||\n t.isKind('munderover')) &&\n t.childNodes[0];\n\n )\n t = t.childNodes[0];\n return t.isToken ? t.getText() : '';\n }),\n (e.prototype.hasSpacingAttributes = function () {\n return (\n this.attributes.isSet('lspace') ||\n this.attributes.isSet('rspace')\n );\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'isAccent', {\n get: function () {\n var t = !1,\n e = this.coreParent().parent;\n if (e) {\n var r = e.isKind('mover')\n ? e.childNodes[e.over].coreMO()\n ? 'accent'\n : ''\n : e.isKind('munder')\n ? e.childNodes[e.under].coreMO()\n ? 'accentunder'\n : ''\n : e.isKind('munderover')\n ? this === e.childNodes[e.over].coreMO()\n ? 'accent'\n : this === e.childNodes[e.under].coreMO()\n ? 'accentunder'\n : ''\n : '';\n if (r)\n t =\n void 0 !== e.attributes.getExplicit(r)\n ? t\n : this.attributes.get('accent');\n }\n return t;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.setTeXclass = function (t) {\n var e = this.attributes.getList('form', 'fence'),\n r = e.form,\n n = e.fence;\n return void 0 === this.getProperty('texClass') &&\n (this.attributes.isSet('lspace') ||\n this.attributes.isSet('rspace'))\n ? null\n : (n &&\n this.texClass === s.TEXCLASS.REL &&\n ('prefix' === r && (this.texClass = s.TEXCLASS.OPEN),\n 'postfix' === r && (this.texClass = s.TEXCLASS.CLOSE)),\n this.adjustTeXclass(t));\n }),\n (e.prototype.adjustTeXclass = function (t) {\n var e = this.texClass,\n r = this.prevClass;\n if (e === s.TEXCLASS.NONE) return t;\n if (\n (t\n ? (!t.getProperty('autoOP') ||\n (e !== s.TEXCLASS.BIN && e !== s.TEXCLASS.REL) ||\n (r = t.texClass = s.TEXCLASS.ORD),\n (r = this.prevClass = t.texClass || s.TEXCLASS.ORD),\n (this.prevLevel =\n this.attributes.getInherited('scriptlevel')))\n : (r = this.prevClass = s.TEXCLASS.NONE),\n e !== s.TEXCLASS.BIN ||\n (r !== s.TEXCLASS.NONE &&\n r !== s.TEXCLASS.BIN &&\n r !== s.TEXCLASS.OP &&\n r !== s.TEXCLASS.REL &&\n r !== s.TEXCLASS.OPEN &&\n r !== s.TEXCLASS.PUNCT))\n )\n if (\n r !== s.TEXCLASS.BIN ||\n (e !== s.TEXCLASS.REL &&\n e !== s.TEXCLASS.CLOSE &&\n e !== s.TEXCLASS.PUNCT)\n ) {\n if (e === s.TEXCLASS.BIN) {\n for (\n var n = this, o = this.parent;\n o &&\n o.parent &&\n o.isEmbellished &&\n (1 === o.childNodes.length ||\n (!o.isKind('mrow') && o.core() === n));\n\n )\n (n = o), (o = o.parent);\n o.childNodes[o.childNodes.length - 1] === n &&\n (this.texClass = s.TEXCLASS.ORD);\n }\n } else t.texClass = this.prevClass = s.TEXCLASS.ORD;\n else this.texClass = s.TEXCLASS.ORD;\n return this;\n }),\n (e.prototype.setInheritedAttributes = function (e, r, n, o) {\n void 0 === e && (e = {}),\n void 0 === r && (r = !1),\n void 0 === n && (n = 0),\n void 0 === o && (o = !1),\n t.prototype.setInheritedAttributes.call(this, e, r, n, o);\n var i = this.getText();\n this.checkOperatorTable(i),\n this.checkPseudoScripts(i),\n this.checkPrimes(i),\n this.checkMathAccent(i);\n }),\n (e.prototype.checkOperatorTable = function (t) {\n var e,\n r,\n n = Q(this.handleExplicitForm(this.getForms()), 3),\n o = n[0],\n i = n[1],\n s = n[2];\n this.attributes.setInherited('form', o);\n var l = this.constructor.OPTABLE,\n c = l[o][t] || l[i][t] || l[s][t];\n if (c) {\n void 0 === this.getProperty('texClass') &&\n (this.texClass = c[2]);\n try {\n for (\n var u = T(Object.keys(c[3] || {})), p = u.next();\n !p.done;\n p = u.next()\n ) {\n var h = p.value;\n this.attributes.setInherited(h, c[3][h]);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n e = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n p && !p.done && (r = u.return) && r.call(u);\n } finally {\n if (e) throw e.error;\n }\n }\n (this.lspace = (c[0] + 1) / 18),\n (this.rspace = (c[1] + 1) / 18);\n } else {\n var d = (0, a.getRange)(t);\n if (d) {\n void 0 === this.getProperty('texClass') &&\n (this.texClass = d[2]);\n var f = this.constructor.MMLSPACING[d[2]];\n (this.lspace = (f[0] + 1) / 18),\n (this.rspace = (f[1] + 1) / 18);\n }\n }\n }),\n (e.prototype.getForms = function () {\n for (\n var t = this, e = this.parent, r = this.Parent;\n r && r.isEmbellished;\n\n )\n (t = e), (e = r.parent), (r = r.Parent);\n if (e && e.isKind('mrow') && 1 !== e.nonSpaceLength()) {\n if (e.firstNonSpace() === t)\n return ['prefix', 'infix', 'postfix'];\n if (e.lastNonSpace() === t)\n return ['postfix', 'infix', 'prefix'];\n }\n return ['infix', 'prefix', 'postfix'];\n }),\n (e.prototype.handleExplicitForm = function (t) {\n if (this.attributes.isSet('form')) {\n var e = this.attributes.get('form');\n t = [e].concat(\n t.filter(function (t) {\n return t !== e;\n }),\n );\n }\n return t;\n }),\n (e.prototype.checkPseudoScripts = function (t) {\n var e = this.constructor.pseudoScripts;\n if (t.match(e)) {\n var r = this.coreParent().Parent,\n n = !r || !(r.isKind('msubsup') && !r.isKind('msub'));\n this.setProperty('pseudoscript', n),\n n &&\n (this.attributes.setInherited('lspace', 0),\n this.attributes.setInherited('rspace', 0));\n }\n }),\n (e.prototype.checkPrimes = function (t) {\n var e = this.constructor.primes;\n if (t.match(e)) {\n var r = this.constructor.remapPrimes,\n n = (0, l.unicodeString)(\n (0, l.unicodeChars)(t).map(function (t) {\n return r[t];\n }),\n );\n this.setProperty('primes', n);\n }\n }),\n (e.prototype.checkMathAccent = function (t) {\n var e = this.Parent;\n if (\n void 0 === this.getProperty('mathaccent') &&\n e &&\n e.isKind('munderover')\n ) {\n var r = e.childNodes[0];\n if (!r.isEmbellished || r.coreMO() !== this) {\n var n = this.constructor.mathaccents;\n t.match(n) && this.setProperty('mathaccent', !0);\n }\n }\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, s.AbstractMmlTokenNode.defaults), {\n form: 'infix',\n fence: !1,\n separator: !1,\n lspace: 'thickmathspace',\n rspace: 'thickmathspace',\n stretchy: !1,\n symmetric: !1,\n maxsize: 'infinity',\n minsize: '0em',\n largeop: !1,\n movablelimits: !1,\n accent: !1,\n linebreak: 'auto',\n lineleading: '1ex',\n linebreakstyle: 'before',\n indentalign: 'auto',\n indentshift: '0',\n indenttarget: '',\n indentalignfirst: 'indentalign',\n indentshiftfirst: 'indentshift',\n indentalignlast: 'indentalign',\n indentshiftlast: 'indentshift',\n })),\n (e.MMLSPACING = a.MMLSPACING),\n (e.OPTABLE = a.OPTABLE),\n (e.pseudoScripts = new RegExp(\n [\n '^[\"\\'*`',\n '\\xaa',\n '\\xb0',\n '\\xb2-\\xb4',\n '\\xb9',\n '\\xba',\n '\\u2018-\\u201f',\n '\\u2032-\\u2037\\u2057',\n '\\u2070\\u2071',\n '\\u2074-\\u207f',\n '\\u2080-\\u208e',\n ']+$',\n ].join(''),\n )),\n (e.primes = new RegExp(\n ['^[\"\\'`', '\\u2018-\\u201f', ']+$'].join(''),\n )),\n (e.remapPrimes = {\n 34: 8243,\n 39: 8242,\n 96: 8245,\n 8216: 8245,\n 8217: 8242,\n 8218: 8242,\n 8219: 8245,\n 8220: 8246,\n 8221: 8243,\n 8222: 8243,\n 8223: 8246,\n }),\n (e.mathaccents = new RegExp(\n [\n '^[',\n '\\xb4\\u0301\\u02ca',\n '`\\u0300\\u02cb',\n '\\xa8\\u0308',\n '~\\u0303\\u02dc',\n '\\xaf\\u0304\\u02c9',\n '\\u02d8\\u0306',\n '\\u02c7\\u030c',\n '^\\u0302\\u02c6',\n '\\u2192\\u20d7',\n '\\u02d9\\u0307',\n '\\u02da\\u030a',\n '\\u20db',\n '\\u20dc',\n ']$',\n ].join(''),\n )),\n e\n );\n })(s.AbstractMmlTokenNode);\n e.MmlMo = c;\n },\n 7238: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMpadded = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mpadded';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, Q.AbstractMmlLayoutNode.defaults), {\n width: '',\n height: '',\n depth: '',\n lspace: 0,\n voffset: 0,\n })),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlLayoutNode);\n e.MmlMpadded = T;\n },\n 5741: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMphantom = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n var e = (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n return (e.texclass = Q.TEXCLASS.ORD), e;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mphantom';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.defaults = i({}, Q.AbstractMmlLayoutNode.defaults)),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlLayoutNode);\n e.MmlMphantom = T;\n },\n 6145: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMroot = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n var e = (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n return (e.texclass = Q.TEXCLASS.ORD), e;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mroot';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return 2;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.setTeXclass = function (t) {\n return (\n this.getPrevClass(t),\n this.childNodes[0].setTeXclass(null),\n this.childNodes[1].setTeXclass(null),\n this\n );\n }),\n (e.prototype.setChildInheritedAttributes = function (t, e, r, n) {\n this.childNodes[0].setInheritedAttributes(t, e, r, !0),\n this.childNodes[1].setInheritedAttributes(t, !1, r + 2, n);\n }),\n (e.defaults = i({}, Q.AbstractMmlNode.defaults)),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlNode);\n e.MmlMroot = T;\n },\n 9878: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n },\n Q =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e\n ? 'Object is not iterable.'\n : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlInferredMrow = e.MmlMrow = void 0);\n var T = r(9007),\n s = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n var e = (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n return (e._core = null), e;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mrow';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'isSpacelike', {\n get: function () {\n var t, e;\n try {\n for (\n var r = Q(this.childNodes), n = r.next();\n !n.done;\n n = r.next()\n ) {\n if (!n.value.isSpacelike) return !1;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n t = { error: e };\n } finally {\n try {\n n && !n.done && (e = r.return) && e.call(r);\n } finally {\n if (t) throw t.error;\n }\n }\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'isEmbellished', {\n get: function () {\n var t,\n e,\n r = !1,\n n = 0;\n try {\n for (\n var o = Q(this.childNodes), i = o.next();\n !i.done;\n i = o.next()\n ) {\n var T = i.value;\n if (T)\n if (T.isEmbellished) {\n if (r) return !1;\n (r = !0), (this._core = n);\n } else if (!T.isSpacelike) return !1;\n n++;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n t = { error: e };\n } finally {\n try {\n i && !i.done && (e = o.return) && e.call(o);\n } finally {\n if (t) throw t.error;\n }\n }\n return r;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.core = function () {\n return this.isEmbellished && null != this._core\n ? this.childNodes[this._core]\n : this;\n }),\n (e.prototype.coreMO = function () {\n return this.isEmbellished && null != this._core\n ? this.childNodes[this._core].coreMO()\n : this;\n }),\n (e.prototype.nonSpaceLength = function () {\n var t,\n e,\n r = 0;\n try {\n for (\n var n = Q(this.childNodes), o = n.next();\n !o.done;\n o = n.next()\n ) {\n var i = o.value;\n i && !i.isSpacelike && r++;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n t = { error: e };\n } finally {\n try {\n o && !o.done && (e = n.return) && e.call(n);\n } finally {\n if (t) throw t.error;\n }\n }\n return r;\n }),\n (e.prototype.firstNonSpace = function () {\n var t, e;\n try {\n for (\n var r = Q(this.childNodes), n = r.next();\n !n.done;\n n = r.next()\n ) {\n var o = n.value;\n if (o && !o.isSpacelike) return o;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n t = { error: e };\n } finally {\n try {\n n && !n.done && (e = r.return) && e.call(r);\n } finally {\n if (t) throw t.error;\n }\n }\n return null;\n }),\n (e.prototype.lastNonSpace = function () {\n for (var t = this.childNodes.length; --t >= 0; ) {\n var e = this.childNodes[t];\n if (e && !e.isSpacelike) return e;\n }\n return null;\n }),\n (e.prototype.setTeXclass = function (t) {\n var e, r, n, o;\n if (\n null != this.getProperty('open') ||\n null != this.getProperty('close')\n ) {\n this.getPrevClass(t), (t = null);\n try {\n for (\n var i = Q(this.childNodes), s = i.next();\n !s.done;\n s = i.next()\n ) {\n t = s.value.setTeXclass(t);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n e = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n s && !s.done && (r = i.return) && r.call(i);\n } finally {\n if (e) throw e.error;\n }\n }\n null == this.texClass && (this.texClass = T.TEXCLASS.INNER);\n } else {\n try {\n for (\n var a = Q(this.childNodes), l = a.next();\n !l.done;\n l = a.next()\n ) {\n t = l.value.setTeXclass(t);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n n = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n l && !l.done && (o = a.return) && o.call(a);\n } finally {\n if (n) throw n.error;\n }\n }\n this.childNodes[0] && this.updateTeXclass(this.childNodes[0]);\n }\n return t;\n }),\n (e.defaults = i({}, T.AbstractMmlNode.defaults)),\n e\n );\n })(T.AbstractMmlNode);\n e.MmlMrow = s;\n var a = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'inferredMrow';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'isInferred', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'notParent', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.toString = function () {\n return '[' + this.childNodes.join(',') + ']';\n }),\n (e.defaults = s.defaults),\n e\n );\n })(s);\n e.MmlInferredMrow = a;\n },\n 7265: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMs = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n var e = (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n return (e.texclass = Q.TEXCLASS.ORD), e;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'ms';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, Q.AbstractMmlTokenNode.defaults), {\n lquote: '\"',\n rquote: '\"',\n })),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlTokenNode);\n e.MmlMs = T;\n },\n 6030: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMspace = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n var e = (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n return (e.texclass = Q.TEXCLASS.NONE), e;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n (e.prototype.setTeXclass = function (t) {\n return t;\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mspace';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return 0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'isSpacelike', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'hasNewline', {\n get: function () {\n var t = this.attributes;\n return (\n null == t.getExplicit('width') &&\n null == t.getExplicit('height') &&\n null == t.getExplicit('depth') &&\n 'newline' === t.get('linebreak')\n );\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, Q.AbstractMmlTokenNode.defaults), {\n width: '0em',\n height: '0ex',\n depth: '0ex',\n linebreak: 'auto',\n })),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlTokenNode);\n e.MmlMspace = T;\n },\n 7131: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMsqrt = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n var e = (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n return (e.texclass = Q.TEXCLASS.ORD), e;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'msqrt';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return -1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'linebreakContainer', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.setTeXclass = function (t) {\n return (\n this.getPrevClass(t),\n this.childNodes[0].setTeXclass(null),\n this\n );\n }),\n (e.prototype.setChildInheritedAttributes = function (t, e, r, n) {\n this.childNodes[0].setInheritedAttributes(t, e, r, !0);\n }),\n (e.defaults = i({}, Q.AbstractMmlNode.defaults)),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlNode);\n e.MmlMsqrt = T;\n },\n 1314: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMstyle = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = r(91),\n s = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mstyle';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'notParent', {\n get: function () {\n return (\n this.childNodes[0] &&\n 1 === this.childNodes[0].childNodes.length\n );\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.setChildInheritedAttributes = function (t, e, r, n) {\n var o = this.attributes.getExplicit('scriptlevel');\n null != o &&\n ((o = o.toString()).match(/^\\s*[-+]/)\n ? (r += parseInt(o))\n : (r = parseInt(o)),\n (n = !1));\n var i = this.attributes.getExplicit('displaystyle');\n null != i && ((e = !0 === i), (n = !1));\n var Q = this.attributes.getExplicit('data-cramped');\n null != Q && (n = Q),\n (t = this.addInheritedAttributes(\n t,\n this.attributes.getAllAttributes(),\n )),\n this.childNodes[0].setInheritedAttributes(t, e, r, n);\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, Q.AbstractMmlLayoutNode.defaults), {\n scriptlevel: T.INHERIT,\n displaystyle: T.INHERIT,\n scriptsizemultiplier: 1 / Math.sqrt(2),\n scriptminsize: '8px',\n mathbackground: T.INHERIT,\n mathcolor: T.INHERIT,\n dir: T.INHERIT,\n infixlinebreakstyle: 'before',\n })),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlLayoutNode);\n e.MmlMstyle = s;\n },\n 4461: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMsup = e.MmlMsub = e.MmlMsubsup = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'msubsup';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return 3;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'base', {\n get: function () {\n return 0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'sub', {\n get: function () {\n return 1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'sup', {\n get: function () {\n return 2;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.setChildInheritedAttributes = function (t, e, r, n) {\n var o = this.childNodes;\n o[0].setInheritedAttributes(t, e, r, n),\n o[1].setInheritedAttributes(\n t,\n !1,\n r + 1,\n n || 1 === this.sub,\n ),\n o[2] &&\n o[2].setInheritedAttributes(\n t,\n !1,\n r + 1,\n n || 2 === this.sub,\n );\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, Q.AbstractMmlBaseNode.defaults), {\n subscriptshift: '',\n superscriptshift: '',\n })),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlBaseNode);\n e.MmlMsubsup = T;\n var s = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'msub';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return 2;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.defaults = i({}, T.defaults)),\n e\n );\n })(T);\n e.MmlMsub = s;\n var a = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'msup';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return 2;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'sup', {\n get: function () {\n return 1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'sub', {\n get: function () {\n return 2;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.defaults = i({}, T.defaults)),\n e\n );\n })(T);\n e.MmlMsup = a;\n },\n 1349: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n },\n Q =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e\n ? 'Object is not iterable.'\n : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMtable = void 0);\n var T = r(9007),\n s = r(505),\n a = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n var e = (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n return (\n (e.properties = { useHeight: !0 }),\n (e.texclass = T.TEXCLASS.ORD),\n e\n );\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mtable';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'linebreakContainer', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.setInheritedAttributes = function (e, r, n, o) {\n var i, s;\n try {\n for (\n var a = Q(T.indentAttributes), l = a.next();\n !l.done;\n l = a.next()\n ) {\n var c = l.value;\n e[c] && this.attributes.setInherited(c, e[c][1]),\n void 0 !== this.attributes.getExplicit(c) &&\n delete this.attributes.getAllAttributes()[c];\n }\n } catch (t) {\n i = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n l && !l.done && (s = a.return) && s.call(a);\n } finally {\n if (i) throw i.error;\n }\n }\n t.prototype.setInheritedAttributes.call(this, e, r, n, o);\n }),\n (e.prototype.setChildInheritedAttributes = function (t, e, r, n) {\n var o, i, T, a;\n try {\n for (\n var l = Q(this.childNodes), c = l.next();\n !c.done;\n c = l.next()\n ) {\n (f = c.value).isKind('mtr') ||\n this.replaceChild(\n this.factory.create('mtr'),\n f,\n ).appendChild(f);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n o = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n c && !c.done && (i = l.return) && i.call(l);\n } finally {\n if (o) throw o.error;\n }\n }\n (r = this.getProperty('scriptlevel') || r),\n (e = !(\n !this.attributes.getExplicit('displaystyle') &&\n !this.attributes.getDefault('displaystyle')\n )),\n (t = this.addInheritedAttributes(t, {\n columnalign: this.attributes.get('columnalign'),\n rowalign: 'center',\n }));\n var u = this.attributes.getExplicit('data-cramped'),\n p = (0, s.split)(this.attributes.get('rowalign'));\n try {\n for (\n var h = Q(this.childNodes), d = h.next();\n !d.done;\n d = h.next()\n ) {\n var f = d.value;\n (t.rowalign[1] = p.shift() || t.rowalign[1]),\n f.setInheritedAttributes(t, e, r, !!u);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n T = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n d && !d.done && (a = h.return) && a.call(h);\n } finally {\n if (T) throw T.error;\n }\n }\n }),\n (e.prototype.verifyChildren = function (e) {\n for (\n var r = null, n = this.factory, o = 0;\n o < this.childNodes.length;\n o++\n ) {\n var i = this.childNodes[o];\n if (i.isKind('mtr')) r = null;\n else {\n var Q = i.isKind('mtd');\n if (\n (r\n ? (this.removeChild(i), o--)\n : (r = this.replaceChild(n.create('mtr'), i)),\n r.appendChild(Q ? i : n.create('mtd', {}, [i])),\n !e.fixMtables)\n ) {\n i.parent.removeChild(i),\n (i.parent = this),\n Q && r.appendChild(n.create('mtd'));\n var T = i.mError(\n 'Children of ' +\n this.kind +\n ' must be mtr or mlabeledtr',\n e,\n Q,\n );\n r.childNodes[r.childNodes.length - 1].appendChild(T);\n }\n }\n }\n t.prototype.verifyChildren.call(this, e);\n }),\n (e.prototype.setTeXclass = function (t) {\n var e, r;\n this.getPrevClass(t);\n try {\n for (\n var n = Q(this.childNodes), o = n.next();\n !o.done;\n o = n.next()\n ) {\n o.value.setTeXclass(null);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n e = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n o && !o.done && (r = n.return) && r.call(n);\n } finally {\n if (e) throw e.error;\n }\n }\n return this;\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, T.AbstractMmlNode.defaults), {\n align: 'axis',\n rowalign: 'baseline',\n columnalign: 'center',\n groupalign: '{left}',\n alignmentscope: !0,\n columnwidth: 'auto',\n width: 'auto',\n rowspacing: '1ex',\n columnspacing: '.8em',\n rowlines: 'none',\n columnlines: 'none',\n frame: 'none',\n framespacing: '0.4em 0.5ex',\n equalrows: !1,\n equalcolumns: !1,\n displaystyle: !1,\n side: 'right',\n minlabelspacing: '0.8em',\n })),\n e\n );\n })(T.AbstractMmlNode);\n e.MmlMtable = a;\n },\n 4359: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMtd = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = r(91),\n s = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mtd';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return -1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'linebreakContainer', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.verifyChildren = function (e) {\n !this.parent || this.parent.isKind('mtr')\n ? t.prototype.verifyChildren.call(this, e)\n : this.mError(\n this.kind +\n ' can only be a child of an mtr or mlabeledtr',\n e,\n !0,\n );\n }),\n (e.prototype.setTeXclass = function (t) {\n return (\n this.getPrevClass(t),\n this.childNodes[0].setTeXclass(null),\n this\n );\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, Q.AbstractMmlBaseNode.defaults), {\n rowspan: 1,\n columnspan: 1,\n rowalign: T.INHERIT,\n columnalign: T.INHERIT,\n groupalign: T.INHERIT,\n })),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlBaseNode);\n e.MmlMtd = s;\n },\n 4770: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMtext = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n var e = (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n return (e.texclass = Q.TEXCLASS.ORD), e;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mtext';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'isSpacelike', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.defaults = i({}, Q.AbstractMmlTokenNode.defaults)),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlTokenNode);\n e.MmlMtext = T;\n },\n 5022: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n },\n Q =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e\n ? 'Object is not iterable.'\n : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMlabeledtr = e.MmlMtr = void 0);\n var T = r(9007),\n s = r(91),\n a = r(505),\n l = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mtr';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'linebreakContainer', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.setChildInheritedAttributes = function (t, e, r, n) {\n var o, i, T, s;\n try {\n for (\n var l = Q(this.childNodes), c = l.next();\n !c.done;\n c = l.next()\n ) {\n (d = c.value).isKind('mtd') ||\n this.replaceChild(\n this.factory.create('mtd'),\n d,\n ).appendChild(d);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n o = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n c && !c.done && (i = l.return) && i.call(l);\n } finally {\n if (o) throw o.error;\n }\n }\n var u = (0, a.split)(this.attributes.get('columnalign'));\n 1 === this.arity &&\n u.unshift(this.parent.attributes.get('side')),\n (t = this.addInheritedAttributes(t, {\n rowalign: this.attributes.get('rowalign'),\n columnalign: 'center',\n }));\n try {\n for (\n var p = Q(this.childNodes), h = p.next();\n !h.done;\n h = p.next()\n ) {\n var d = h.value;\n (t.columnalign[1] = u.shift() || t.columnalign[1]),\n d.setInheritedAttributes(t, e, r, n);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n T = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n h && !h.done && (s = p.return) && s.call(p);\n } finally {\n if (T) throw T.error;\n }\n }\n }),\n (e.prototype.verifyChildren = function (e) {\n var r, n;\n if (!this.parent || this.parent.isKind('mtable')) {\n try {\n for (\n var o = Q(this.childNodes), i = o.next();\n !i.done;\n i = o.next()\n ) {\n var T = i.value;\n if (!T.isKind('mtd'))\n this.replaceChild(\n this.factory.create('mtd'),\n T,\n ).appendChild(T),\n e.fixMtables ||\n T.mError(\n 'Children of ' + this.kind + ' must be mtd',\n e,\n );\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n i && !i.done && (n = o.return) && n.call(o);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n t.prototype.verifyChildren.call(this, e);\n } else\n this.mError(\n this.kind + ' can only be a child of an mtable',\n e,\n !0,\n );\n }),\n (e.prototype.setTeXclass = function (t) {\n var e, r;\n this.getPrevClass(t);\n try {\n for (\n var n = Q(this.childNodes), o = n.next();\n !o.done;\n o = n.next()\n ) {\n o.value.setTeXclass(null);\n }\n } catch (t) {\n e = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n o && !o.done && (r = n.return) && r.call(n);\n } finally {\n if (e) throw e.error;\n }\n }\n return this;\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, T.AbstractMmlNode.defaults), {\n rowalign: s.INHERIT,\n columnalign: s.INHERIT,\n groupalign: s.INHERIT,\n })),\n e\n );\n })(T.AbstractMmlNode);\n e.MmlMtr = l;\n var c = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mlabeledtr';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return 1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n e\n );\n })(l);\n e.MmlMlabeledtr = c;\n },\n 5184: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlMover = e.MmlMunder = e.MmlMunderover = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'munderover';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return 3;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'base', {\n get: function () {\n return 0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'under', {\n get: function () {\n return 1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'over', {\n get: function () {\n return 2;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'linebreakContainer', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.setChildInheritedAttributes = function (t, e, r, n) {\n var o = this.childNodes;\n o[0].setInheritedAttributes(t, e, r, n || !!o[this.over]);\n var i = !(e || !o[0].coreMO().attributes.get('movablelimits')),\n Q = this.constructor.ACCENTS;\n o[1].setInheritedAttributes(\n t,\n !1,\n this.getScriptlevel(Q[1], i, r),\n n || 1 === this.under,\n ),\n this.setInheritedAccent(1, Q[1], e, r, n, i),\n o[2] &&\n (o[2].setInheritedAttributes(\n t,\n !1,\n this.getScriptlevel(Q[2], i, r),\n n || 2 === this.under,\n ),\n this.setInheritedAccent(2, Q[2], e, r, n, i));\n }),\n (e.prototype.getScriptlevel = function (t, e, r) {\n return (!e && this.attributes.get(t)) || r++, r;\n }),\n (e.prototype.setInheritedAccent = function (t, e, r, n, o, i) {\n var Q = this.childNodes[t];\n if (null == this.attributes.getExplicit(e) && Q.isEmbellished) {\n var T = Q.coreMO().attributes.get('accent');\n this.attributes.setInherited(e, T),\n T !== this.attributes.getDefault(e) &&\n Q.setInheritedAttributes(\n {},\n r,\n this.getScriptlevel(e, i, n),\n o,\n );\n }\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, Q.AbstractMmlBaseNode.defaults), {\n accent: !1,\n accentunder: !1,\n align: 'center',\n })),\n (e.ACCENTS = ['', 'accentunder', 'accent']),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlBaseNode);\n e.MmlMunderover = T;\n var s = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'munder';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return 2;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.defaults = i({}, T.defaults)),\n e\n );\n })(T);\n e.MmlMunder = s;\n var a = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'mover';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return 2;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'over', {\n get: function () {\n return 1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'under', {\n get: function () {\n return 2;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.defaults = i({}, T.defaults)),\n (e.ACCENTS = ['', 'accent', 'accentunder']),\n e\n );\n })(T);\n e.MmlMover = a;\n },\n 9102: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__assign) ||\n function () {\n return (\n (i =\n Object.assign ||\n function (t) {\n for (var e, r = 1, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)\n for (var o in (e = arguments[r]))\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&\n (t[o] = e[o]);\n return t;\n }),\n i.apply(this, arguments)\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlAnnotation = e.MmlAnnotationXML = e.MmlSemantics = void 0);\n var Q = r(9007),\n T = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'semantics';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'arity', {\n get: function () {\n return 1;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'notParent', {\n get: function () {\n return !0;\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, Q.AbstractMmlBaseNode.defaults), {\n definitionUrl: null,\n encoding: null,\n })),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlBaseNode);\n e.MmlSemantics = T;\n var s = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'annotation-xml';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.prototype.setChildInheritedAttributes = function () {}),\n (e.defaults = i(i({}, Q.AbstractMmlNode.defaults), {\n definitionUrl: null,\n encoding: null,\n cd: 'mathmlkeys',\n name: '',\n src: null,\n })),\n e\n );\n })(Q.AbstractMmlNode);\n e.MmlAnnotationXML = s;\n var a = (function (t) {\n function e() {\n var e = (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n return (e.properties = { isChars: !0 }), e;\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'kind', {\n get: function () {\n return 'annotation';\n },\n enumerable: !1,\n configurable: !0,\n }),\n (e.defaults = i({}, s.defaults)),\n e\n );\n })(s);\n e.MmlAnnotation = a;\n },\n 6325: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n });\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.MmlVisitor = void 0);\n var i = r(3909),\n Q = (function (t) {\n function e(e) {\n return (\n void 0 === e && (e = null),\n e || (e = new i.MmlFactory()),\n t.call(this, e) || this\n );\n }\n return (\n o(e, t),\n (e.prototype.visitTextNode = function (t) {\n for (var e = [], r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++)\n e[r - 1] = arguments[r];\n }),\n (e.prototype.visitXMLNode = function (t) {\n for (var e = [], r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++)\n e[r - 1] = arguments[r];\n }),\n e\n );\n })(r(8823).AbstractVisitor);\n e.MmlVisitor = Q;\n },\n 4082: function (t, e, r) {\n var n =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e ? 'Object is not iterable.' : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.OPTABLE =\n e.MMLSPACING =\n e.getRange =\n e.RANGES =\n e.MO =\n e.OPDEF =\n void 0);\n var o = r(9007);\n function i(t, e, r, n) {\n return (\n void 0 === r && (r = o.TEXCLASS.BIN),\n void 0 === n && (n = null),\n [t, e, r, n]\n );\n }\n (e.OPDEF = i),\n (e.MO = {\n ORD: i(0, 0, o.TEXCLASS.ORD),\n ORD11: i(1, 1, o.TEXCLASS.ORD),\n ORD21: i(2, 1, o.TEXCLASS.ORD),\n ORD02: i(0, 2, o.TEXCLASS.ORD),\n ORD55: i(5, 5, o.TEXCLASS.ORD),\n NONE: i(0, 0, o.TEXCLASS.NONE),\n OP: i(1, 2, o.TEXCLASS.OP, {\n largeop: !0,\n movablelimits: !0,\n symmetric: !0,\n }),\n OPFIXED: i(1, 2, o.TEXCLASS.OP, { largeop: !0, movablelimits: !0 }),\n INTEGRAL: i(0, 1, o.TEXCLASS.OP, { largeop: !0, symmetric: !0 }),\n INTEGRAL2: i(1, 2, o.TEXCLASS.OP, { largeop: !0, symmetric: !0 }),\n BIN3: i(3, 3, o.TEXCLASS.BIN),\n BIN4: i(4, 4, o.TEXCLASS.BIN),\n BIN01: i(0, 1, o.TEXCLASS.BIN),\n BIN5: i(5, 5, o.TEXCLASS.BIN),\n TALLBIN: i(4, 4, o.TEXCLASS.BIN, { stretchy: !0 }),\n BINOP: i(4, 4, o.TEXCLASS.BIN, { largeop: !0, movablelimits: !0 }),\n REL: i(5, 5, o.TEXCLASS.REL),\n REL1: i(1, 1, o.TEXCLASS.REL, { stretchy: !0 }),\n REL4: i(4, 4, o.TEXCLASS.REL),\n RELSTRETCH: i(5, 5, o.TEXCLASS.REL, { stretchy: !0 }),\n RELACCENT: i(5, 5, o.TEXCLASS.REL, { accent: !0 }),\n WIDEREL: i(5, 5, o.TEXCLASS.REL, { accent: !0, stretchy: !0 }),\n OPEN: i(0, 0, o.TEXCLASS.OPEN, {\n fence: !0,\n stretchy: !0,\n symmetric: !0,\n }),\n CLOSE: i(0, 0, o.TEXCLASS.CLOSE, {\n fence: !0,\n stretchy: !0,\n symmetric: !0,\n }),\n INNER: i(0, 0, o.TEXCLASS.INNER),\n PUNCT: i(0, 3, o.TEXCLASS.PUNCT),\n ACCENT: i(0, 0, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, { accent: !0 }),\n WIDEACCENT: i(0, 0, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, { accent: !0, stretchy: !0 }),\n }),\n (e.RANGES = [\n [32, 127, o.TEXCLASS.REL, 'mo'],\n [160, 191, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mo'],\n [192, 591, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mi'],\n [688, 879, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mo'],\n [880, 6688, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mi'],\n [6832, 6911, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mo'],\n [6912, 7615, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mi'],\n [7616, 7679, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mo'],\n [7680, 8191, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mi'],\n [8192, 8303, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mo'],\n [8304, 8351, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mo'],\n [8448, 8527, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mi'],\n [8528, 8591, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mn'],\n [8592, 8703, o.TEXCLASS.REL, 'mo'],\n [8704, 8959, o.TEXCLASS.BIN, 'mo'],\n [8960, 9215, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mo'],\n [9312, 9471, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mn'],\n [9472, 10223, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mo'],\n [10224, 10239, o.TEXCLASS.REL, 'mo'],\n [10240, 10495, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mtext'],\n [10496, 10623, o.TEXCLASS.REL, 'mo'],\n [10624, 10751, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mo'],\n [10752, 11007, o.TEXCLASS.BIN, 'mo'],\n [11008, 11055, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mo'],\n [11056, 11087, o.TEXCLASS.REL, 'mo'],\n [11088, 11263, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mo'],\n [11264, 11744, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mi'],\n [11776, 11903, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mo'],\n [11904, 12255, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mi', 'normal'],\n [12272, 12351, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mo'],\n [12352, 42143, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mi', 'normal'],\n [42192, 43055, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mi'],\n [43056, 43071, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mn'],\n [43072, 55295, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mi'],\n [63744, 64255, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mi', 'normal'],\n [64256, 65023, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mi'],\n [65024, 65135, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mo'],\n [65136, 65791, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mi'],\n [65792, 65935, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mn'],\n [65936, 74751, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mi', 'normal'],\n [74752, 74879, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mn'],\n [74880, 113823, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mi', 'normal'],\n [113824, 119391, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mo'],\n [119648, 119679, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mn'],\n [119808, 120781, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mi'],\n [120782, 120831, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mn'],\n [122624, 129023, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mo'],\n [129024, 129279, o.TEXCLASS.REL, 'mo'],\n [129280, 129535, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mo'],\n [131072, 195103, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, 'mi', 'normnal'],\n ]),\n (e.getRange = function (t) {\n var r,\n o,\n i = t.codePointAt(0);\n try {\n for (var Q = n(e.RANGES), T = Q.next(); !T.done; T = Q.next()) {\n var s = T.value;\n if (i <= s[1]) {\n if (i >= s[0]) return s;\n break;\n }\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n T && !T.done && (o = Q.return) && o.call(Q);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n return null;\n }),\n (e.MMLSPACING = [\n [0, 0],\n [1, 2],\n [3, 3],\n [4, 4],\n [0, 0],\n [0, 0],\n [0, 3],\n ]),\n (e.OPTABLE = {\n prefix: {\n '(': e.MO.OPEN,\n '+': e.MO.BIN01,\n '-': e.MO.BIN01,\n '[': e.MO.OPEN,\n '{': e.MO.OPEN,\n '|': e.MO.OPEN,\n '||': [\n 0,\n 0,\n o.TEXCLASS.BIN,\n { fence: !0, stretchy: !0, symmetric: !0 },\n ],\n '|||': [\n 0,\n 0,\n o.TEXCLASS.ORD,\n { fence: !0, stretchy: !0, symmetric: !0 },\n ],\n '\\xac': e.MO.ORD21,\n '\\xb1': e.MO.BIN01,\n '\\u2016': [0, 0, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, { fence: !0, stretchy: !0 }],\n '\\u2018': [0, 0, o.TEXCLASS.OPEN, { fence: !0 }],\n '\\u201c': [0, 0, o.TEXCLASS.OPEN, { fence: !0 }],\n '\\u2145': e.MO.ORD21,\n '\\u2146': i(2, 0, o.TEXCLASS.ORD),\n '\\u2200': e.MO.ORD21,\n '\\u2202': e.MO.ORD21,\n '\\u2203': e.MO.ORD21,\n '\\u2204': e.MO.ORD21,\n '\\u2207': e.MO.ORD21,\n '\\u220f': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2210': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2211': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2212': e.MO.BIN01,\n '\\u2213': e.MO.BIN01,\n '\\u221a': [1, 1, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, { stretchy: !0 }],\n '\\u221b': e.MO.ORD11,\n '\\u221c': e.MO.ORD11,\n '\\u2220': e.MO.ORD,\n '\\u2221': e.MO.ORD,\n '\\u2222': e.MO.ORD,\n '\\u222b': e.MO.INTEGRAL,\n '\\u222c': e.MO.INTEGRAL,\n '\\u222d': e.MO.INTEGRAL,\n '\\u222e': e.MO.INTEGRAL,\n '\\u222f': e.MO.INTEGRAL,\n '\\u2230': e.MO.INTEGRAL,\n '\\u2231': e.MO.INTEGRAL,\n '\\u2232': e.MO.INTEGRAL,\n '\\u2233': e.MO.INTEGRAL,\n '\\u22c0': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u22c1': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u22c2': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u22c3': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2308': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u230a': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u2329': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u2772': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u27e6': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u27e8': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u27ea': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u27ec': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u27ee': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u2980': [0, 0, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, { fence: !0, stretchy: !0 }],\n '\\u2983': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u2985': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u2987': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u2989': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u298b': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u298d': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u298f': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u2991': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u2993': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u2995': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u2997': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u29fc': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u2a00': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2a01': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2a02': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2a03': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2a04': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2a05': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2a06': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2a07': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2a08': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2a09': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2a0a': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2a0b': e.MO.INTEGRAL2,\n '\\u2a0c': e.MO.INTEGRAL,\n '\\u2a0d': e.MO.INTEGRAL2,\n '\\u2a0e': e.MO.INTEGRAL2,\n '\\u2a0f': e.MO.INTEGRAL2,\n '\\u2a10': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2a11': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2a12': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2a13': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2a14': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2a15': e.MO.INTEGRAL2,\n '\\u2a16': e.MO.INTEGRAL2,\n '\\u2a17': e.MO.INTEGRAL2,\n '\\u2a18': e.MO.INTEGRAL2,\n '\\u2a19': e.MO.INTEGRAL2,\n '\\u2a1a': e.MO.INTEGRAL2,\n '\\u2a1b': e.MO.INTEGRAL2,\n '\\u2a1c': e.MO.INTEGRAL2,\n '\\u2afc': e.MO.OP,\n '\\u2aff': e.MO.OP,\n },\n postfix: {\n '!!': i(1, 0),\n '!': [1, 0, o.TEXCLASS.CLOSE, null],\n '\"': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '&': e.MO.ORD,\n ')': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '++': i(0, 0),\n '--': i(0, 0),\n '..': i(0, 0),\n '...': e.MO.ORD,\n \"'\": e.MO.ACCENT,\n ']': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '^': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n _: e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '`': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '|': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '}': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '~': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '||': [\n 0,\n 0,\n o.TEXCLASS.BIN,\n { fence: !0, stretchy: !0, symmetric: !0 },\n ],\n '|||': [\n 0,\n 0,\n o.TEXCLASS.ORD,\n { fence: !0, stretchy: !0, symmetric: !0 },\n ],\n '\\xa8': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\xaa': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\xaf': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\xb0': e.MO.ORD,\n '\\xb2': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\xb3': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\xb4': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\xb8': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\xb9': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\xba': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u02c6': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\u02c7': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\u02c9': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\u02ca': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u02cb': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u02cd': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\u02d8': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u02d9': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u02da': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u02dc': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\u02dd': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u02f7': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\u0302': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\u0311': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u03f6': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2016': [0, 0, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, { fence: !0, stretchy: !0 }],\n '\\u2019': [0, 0, o.TEXCLASS.CLOSE, { fence: !0 }],\n '\\u201a': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u201b': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u201d': [0, 0, o.TEXCLASS.CLOSE, { fence: !0 }],\n '\\u201e': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u201f': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u2032': e.MO.ORD,\n '\\u2033': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u2034': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u2035': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u2036': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u2037': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u203e': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\u2057': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u20db': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u20dc': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u2309': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u230b': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u232a': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u23b4': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\u23b5': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\u23dc': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\u23dd': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\u23de': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\u23df': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\u23e0': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\u23e1': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\u25a0': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u25a1': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u25aa': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u25ab': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u25ad': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u25ae': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u25af': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u25b0': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u25b1': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u25b2': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25b4': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25b6': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25b7': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25b8': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25bc': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25be': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25c0': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25c1': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25c2': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25c4': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25c5': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25c6': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25c7': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25c8': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25c9': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25cc': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25cd': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25ce': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25cf': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25d6': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25d7': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25e6': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u266d': e.MO.ORD02,\n '\\u266e': e.MO.ORD02,\n '\\u266f': e.MO.ORD02,\n '\\u2773': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u27e7': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u27e9': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u27eb': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u27ed': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u27ef': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u2980': [0, 0, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, { fence: !0, stretchy: !0 }],\n '\\u2984': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u2986': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u2988': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u298a': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u298c': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u298e': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u2990': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u2992': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u2994': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u2996': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u2998': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u29fd': e.MO.CLOSE,\n },\n infix: {\n '!=': e.MO.BIN4,\n '#': e.MO.ORD,\n $: e.MO.ORD,\n '%': [3, 3, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, null],\n '&&': e.MO.BIN4,\n '': e.MO.ORD,\n '*': e.MO.BIN3,\n '**': i(1, 1),\n '*=': e.MO.BIN4,\n '+': e.MO.BIN4,\n '+=': e.MO.BIN4,\n ',': [\n 0,\n 3,\n o.TEXCLASS.PUNCT,\n { linebreakstyle: 'after', separator: !0 },\n ],\n '-': e.MO.BIN4,\n '-=': e.MO.BIN4,\n '->': e.MO.BIN5,\n '.': [0, 3, o.TEXCLASS.PUNCT, { separator: !0 }],\n '/': e.MO.ORD11,\n '//': i(1, 1),\n '/=': e.MO.BIN4,\n ':': [1, 2, o.TEXCLASS.REL, null],\n ':=': e.MO.BIN4,\n ';': [\n 0,\n 3,\n o.TEXCLASS.PUNCT,\n { linebreakstyle: 'after', separator: !0 },\n ],\n '<': e.MO.REL,\n '<=': e.MO.BIN5,\n '<>': i(1, 1),\n '=': e.MO.REL,\n '==': e.MO.BIN4,\n '>': e.MO.REL,\n '>=': e.MO.BIN5,\n '?': [1, 1, o.TEXCLASS.CLOSE, null],\n '@': e.MO.ORD11,\n '\\\\': e.MO.ORD,\n '^': e.MO.ORD11,\n _: e.MO.ORD11,\n '|': [\n 2,\n 2,\n o.TEXCLASS.ORD,\n { fence: !0, stretchy: !0, symmetric: !0 },\n ],\n '||': [\n 2,\n 2,\n o.TEXCLASS.BIN,\n { fence: !0, stretchy: !0, symmetric: !0 },\n ],\n '|||': [\n 2,\n 2,\n o.TEXCLASS.ORD,\n { fence: !0, stretchy: !0, symmetric: !0 },\n ],\n '\\xb1': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\xb7': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\xd7': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\xf7': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u02b9': e.MO.ORD,\n '\\u0300': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u0301': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u0303': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\u0304': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u0306': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u0307': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u0308': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u030c': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u0332': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\u0338': e.MO.REL4,\n '\\u2015': [0, 0, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, { stretchy: !0 }],\n '\\u2017': [0, 0, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, { stretchy: !0 }],\n '\\u2020': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u2021': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u2022': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2026': e.MO.INNER,\n '\\u2043': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2044': e.MO.TALLBIN,\n '\\u2061': e.MO.NONE,\n '\\u2062': e.MO.NONE,\n '\\u2063': [\n 0,\n 0,\n o.TEXCLASS.NONE,\n { linebreakstyle: 'after', separator: !0 },\n ],\n '\\u2064': e.MO.NONE,\n '\\u20d7': e.MO.ACCENT,\n '\\u2111': e.MO.ORD,\n '\\u2113': e.MO.ORD,\n '\\u2118': e.MO.ORD,\n '\\u211c': e.MO.ORD,\n '\\u2190': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u2191': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2192': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u2193': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2194': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u2195': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2196': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2197': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2198': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2199': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u219a': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u219b': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u219c': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u219d': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u219e': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u219f': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21a0': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21a1': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21a2': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21a3': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21a4': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21a5': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21a6': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21a7': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21a8': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21a9': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21aa': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21ab': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21ac': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21ad': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21ae': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u21af': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21b0': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21b1': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21b2': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21b3': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21b4': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21b5': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21b6': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u21b7': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u21b8': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u21b9': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21ba': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u21bb': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u21bc': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21bd': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21be': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21bf': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21c0': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21c1': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21c2': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21c3': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21c4': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21c5': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21c6': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21c7': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21c8': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21c9': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21ca': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21cb': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21cc': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21cd': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u21ce': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u21cf': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u21d0': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21d1': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21d2': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21d3': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21d4': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21d5': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21d6': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21d7': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21d8': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21d9': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21da': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21db': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21dc': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21dd': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21de': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u21df': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u21e0': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21e1': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21e2': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21e3': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21e4': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21e5': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21e6': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21e7': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21e8': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21e9': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21ea': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21eb': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21ec': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21ed': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21ee': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21ef': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21f0': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21f1': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u21f2': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u21f3': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21f4': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u21f5': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u21f6': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21f7': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u21f8': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u21f9': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u21fa': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u21fb': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u21fc': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u21fd': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21fe': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u21ff': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u2201': i(1, 2, o.TEXCLASS.ORD),\n '\\u2205': e.MO.ORD,\n '\\u2206': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u2208': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2209': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u220a': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u220b': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u220c': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u220d': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u220e': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u2212': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2213': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2214': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2215': e.MO.TALLBIN,\n '\\u2216': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2217': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2218': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2219': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u221d': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u221e': e.MO.ORD,\n '\\u221f': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2223': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2224': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2225': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2226': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2227': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2228': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2229': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u222a': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2234': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2235': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2236': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2237': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2238': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2239': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u223a': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u223b': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u223c': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u223d': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u223d\\u0331': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u223e': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u223f': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u2240': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2241': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2242': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2242\\u0338': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2243': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2244': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2245': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2246': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2247': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2248': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2249': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u224a': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u224b': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u224c': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u224d': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u224e': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u224e\\u0338': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u224f': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u224f\\u0338': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2250': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2251': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2252': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2253': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2254': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2255': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2256': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2257': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2258': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2259': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u225a': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u225b': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u225c': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u225d': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u225e': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u225f': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2260': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2261': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2262': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2263': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2264': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2265': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2266': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2266\\u0338': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2267': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2268': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2269': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u226a': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u226a\\u0338': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u226b': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u226b\\u0338': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u226c': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u226d': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u226e': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u226f': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2270': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2271': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2272': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2273': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2274': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2275': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2276': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2277': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2278': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2279': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u227a': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u227b': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u227c': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u227d': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u227e': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u227f': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u227f\\u0338': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2280': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2281': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2282': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2282\\u20d2': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2283': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2283\\u20d2': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2284': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2285': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2286': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2287': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2288': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2289': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u228a': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u228b': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u228c': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u228d': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u228e': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u228f': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u228f\\u0338': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2290': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2290\\u0338': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2291': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2292': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2293': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2294': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2295': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2296': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2297': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2298': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2299': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u229a': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u229b': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u229c': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u229d': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u229e': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u229f': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u22a0': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u22a1': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u22a2': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22a3': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22a4': e.MO.ORD55,\n '\\u22a5': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22a6': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22a7': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22a8': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22a9': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22aa': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22ab': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22ac': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22ad': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22ae': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22af': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22b0': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22b1': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22b2': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22b3': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22b4': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22b5': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22b6': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22b7': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22b8': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22b9': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22ba': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u22bb': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u22bc': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u22bd': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u22be': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u22bf': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u22c4': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u22c5': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u22c6': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u22c7': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u22c8': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22c9': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u22ca': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u22cb': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u22cc': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u22cd': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22ce': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u22cf': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u22d0': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22d1': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22d2': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u22d3': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u22d4': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22d5': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22d6': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22d7': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22d8': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22d9': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22da': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22db': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22dc': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22dd': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22de': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22df': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22e0': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22e1': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22e2': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22e3': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22e4': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22e5': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22e6': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22e7': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22e8': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22e9': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22ea': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22eb': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22ec': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22ed': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22ee': e.MO.ORD55,\n '\\u22ef': e.MO.INNER,\n '\\u22f0': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22f1': [5, 5, o.TEXCLASS.INNER, null],\n '\\u22f2': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22f3': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22f4': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22f5': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22f6': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22f7': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22f8': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22f9': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22fa': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22fb': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22fc': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22fd': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22fe': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u22ff': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2305': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u2306': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u2322': e.MO.REL4,\n '\\u2323': e.MO.REL4,\n '\\u2329': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u232a': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u23aa': e.MO.ORD,\n '\\u23af': [0, 0, o.TEXCLASS.ORD, { stretchy: !0 }],\n '\\u23b0': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u23b1': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\u2500': e.MO.ORD,\n '\\u25b3': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25b5': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25b9': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25bd': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25bf': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25c3': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u25ef': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u2660': e.MO.ORD,\n '\\u2661': e.MO.ORD,\n '\\u2662': e.MO.ORD,\n '\\u2663': e.MO.ORD,\n '\\u2758': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u27f0': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u27f1': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u27f5': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u27f6': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u27f7': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u27f8': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u27f9': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u27fa': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u27fb': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u27fc': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u27fd': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u27fe': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u27ff': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u2900': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2901': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2902': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2903': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2904': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2905': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2906': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2907': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2908': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2909': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u290a': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u290b': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u290c': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u290d': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u290e': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u290f': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u2910': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u2911': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2912': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2913': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2914': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2915': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2916': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2917': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2918': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2919': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u291a': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u291b': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u291c': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u291d': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u291e': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u291f': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2920': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2921': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2922': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2923': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2924': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2925': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2926': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2927': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2928': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2929': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u292a': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u292b': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u292c': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u292d': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u292e': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u292f': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2930': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2931': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2932': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2933': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2934': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2935': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2936': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2937': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2938': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2939': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u293a': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u293b': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u293c': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u293d': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u293e': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u293f': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2940': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2941': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2942': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2943': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2944': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2945': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2946': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2947': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2948': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2949': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u294a': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u294b': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u294c': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u294d': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u294e': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u294f': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2950': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u2951': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2952': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u2953': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u2954': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2955': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2956': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2957': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2958': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2959': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u295a': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u295b': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u295c': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u295d': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u295e': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u295f': e.MO.WIDEREL,\n '\\u2960': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2961': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2962': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2963': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2964': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2965': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2966': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2967': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2968': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2969': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u296a': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u296b': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u296c': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u296d': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u296e': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u296f': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2970': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2971': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2972': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2973': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2974': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2975': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2976': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2977': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2978': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u2979': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u297a': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u297b': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u297c': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u297d': e.MO.RELACCENT,\n '\\u297e': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u297f': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2981': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u2982': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u2999': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u299a': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u299b': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u299c': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u299d': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u299e': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u299f': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29a0': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29a1': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29a2': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29a3': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29a4': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29a5': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29a6': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29a7': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29a8': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29a9': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29aa': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29ab': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29ac': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29ad': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29ae': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29af': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29b0': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29b1': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29b2': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29b3': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29b4': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29b5': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29b6': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29b7': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29b8': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29b9': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29ba': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29bb': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29bc': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29bd': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29be': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29bf': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29c0': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u29c1': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u29c2': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29c3': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29c4': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29c5': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29c6': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29c7': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29c8': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29c9': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29ca': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29cb': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29cc': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29cd': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29ce': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u29cf': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u29cf\\u0338': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u29d0': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u29d0\\u0338': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u29d1': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u29d2': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u29d3': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u29d4': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u29d5': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u29d6': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29d7': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29d8': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29d9': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29db': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29dc': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29dd': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29de': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u29df': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29e0': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29e1': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u29e2': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29e3': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u29e4': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u29e5': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u29e6': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u29e7': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29e8': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29e9': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29ea': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29eb': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29ec': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29ed': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29ee': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29ef': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29f0': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29f1': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29f2': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29f3': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29f4': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u29f5': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29f6': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29f7': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29f8': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29f9': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29fa': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29fb': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u29fe': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u29ff': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a1d': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u2a1e': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u2a1f': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u2a20': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u2a21': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u2a22': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a23': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a24': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a25': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a26': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a27': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a28': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a29': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a2a': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a2b': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a2c': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a2d': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a2e': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a2f': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a30': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a31': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a32': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a33': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a34': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a35': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a36': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a37': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a38': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a39': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a3a': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a3b': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a3c': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a3d': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a3e': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a3f': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a40': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a41': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a42': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a43': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a44': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a45': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a46': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a47': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a48': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a49': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a4a': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a4b': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a4c': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a4d': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a4e': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a4f': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a50': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a51': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a52': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a53': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a54': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a55': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a56': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a57': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a58': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a59': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a5a': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a5b': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a5c': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a5d': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a5e': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a5f': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a60': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a61': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a62': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a63': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a64': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a65': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a66': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a67': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a68': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a69': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a6a': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a6b': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a6c': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a6d': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a6e': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a6f': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a70': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a71': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a72': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2a73': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a74': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a75': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a76': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a77': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a78': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a79': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a7a': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a7b': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a7c': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a7d': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a7d\\u0338': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a7e': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a7e\\u0338': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a7f': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a80': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a81': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a82': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a83': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a84': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a85': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a86': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a87': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a88': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a89': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a8a': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a8b': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a8c': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a8d': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a8e': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a8f': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a90': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a91': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a92': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a93': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a94': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a95': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a96': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a97': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a98': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a99': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a9a': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a9b': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a9c': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a9d': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a9e': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2a9f': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aa0': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aa1': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aa1\\u0338': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aa2': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aa2\\u0338': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aa3': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aa4': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aa5': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aa6': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aa7': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aa8': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aa9': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aaa': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aab': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aac': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aad': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aae': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aaf': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aaf\\u0338': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ab0': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ab0\\u0338': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ab1': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ab2': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ab3': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ab4': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ab5': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ab6': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ab7': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ab8': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ab9': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aba': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2abb': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2abc': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2abd': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2abe': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2abf': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ac0': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ac1': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ac2': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ac3': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ac4': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ac5': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ac6': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ac7': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ac8': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ac9': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aca': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2acb': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2acc': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2acd': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ace': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2acf': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ad0': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ad1': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ad2': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ad3': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ad4': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ad5': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ad6': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ad7': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ad8': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ad9': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ada': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2adb': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2add': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2add\\u0338': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ade': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2adf': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ae0': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ae1': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ae2': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ae3': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ae4': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ae5': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ae6': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ae7': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ae8': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2ae9': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aea': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aeb': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aec': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aed': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aee': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2aef': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2af0': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2af1': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2af2': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2af3': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2af4': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2af5': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2af6': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2af7': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2af8': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2af9': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2afa': e.MO.REL,\n '\\u2afb': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2afd': e.MO.BIN4,\n '\\u2afe': e.MO.BIN3,\n '\\u2b45': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u2b46': e.MO.RELSTRETCH,\n '\\u3008': e.MO.OPEN,\n '\\u3009': e.MO.CLOSE,\n '\\ufe37': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n '\\ufe38': e.MO.WIDEACCENT,\n },\n }),\n (e.OPTABLE.infix['^'] = e.MO.WIDEREL),\n (e.OPTABLE.infix._ = e.MO.WIDEREL),\n (e.OPTABLE.infix['\\u2adc'] = e.MO.REL);\n },\n 9259: function (t, e, r) {\n var n,\n o =\n (this && this.__extends) ||\n ((n = function (t, e) {\n return (\n (n =\n Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&\n function (t, e) {\n t.__proto__ = e;\n }) ||\n function (t, e) {\n for (var r in e)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) &&\n (t[r] = e[r]);\n }),\n n(t, e)\n );\n }),\n function (t, e) {\n if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e)\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Class extends value ' +\n String(e) +\n ' is not a constructor or null',\n );\n function r() {\n this.constructor = t;\n }\n n(t, e),\n (t.prototype =\n null === e\n ? Object.create(e)\n : ((r.prototype = e.prototype), new r()));\n }),\n i =\n (this && this.__values) ||\n function (t) {\n var e = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\n r = e && t[e],\n n = 0;\n if (r) return r.call(t);\n if (t && 'number' == typeof t.length)\n return {\n next: function () {\n return (\n t && n >= t.length && (t = void 0),\n { value: t && t[n++], done: !t }\n );\n },\n };\n throw new TypeError(\n e\n ? 'Object is not iterable.'\n : 'Symbol.iterator is not defined.',\n );\n },\n Q =\n (this && this.__read) ||\n function (t, e) {\n var r = 'function' == typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator];\n if (!r) return t;\n var n,\n o,\n i = r.call(t),\n Q = [];\n try {\n for (; (void 0 === e || e-- > 0) && !(n = i.next()).done; )\n Q.push(n.value);\n } catch (t) {\n o = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n n && !n.done && (r = i.return) && r.call(i);\n } finally {\n if (o) throw o.error;\n }\n }\n return Q;\n };\n Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),\n (e.SerializedMmlVisitor = e.toEntity = e.DATAMJX = void 0);\n var T = r(6325),\n s = r(9007),\n a = r(450);\n e.DATAMJX = 'data-mjx-';\n e.toEntity = function (t) {\n return '' + t.codePointAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase() + ';';\n };\n var l = (function (t) {\n function r() {\n return (null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments)) || this;\n }\n return (\n o(r, t),\n (r.prototype.visitTree = function (t) {\n return this.visitNode(t, '');\n }),\n (r.prototype.visitTextNode = function (t, e) {\n return this.quoteHTML(t.getText());\n }),\n (r.prototype.visitXMLNode = function (t, e) {\n return e + t.getSerializedXML();\n }),\n (r.prototype.visitInferredMrowNode = function (t, e) {\n var r,\n n,\n o = [];\n try {\n for (\n var Q = i(t.childNodes), T = Q.next();\n !T.done;\n T = Q.next()\n ) {\n var s = T.value;\n o.push(this.visitNode(s, e));\n }\n } catch (t) {\n r = { error: t };\n } finally {\n try {\n T && !T.done && (n = Q.return) && n.call(Q);\n } finally {\n if (r) throw r.error;\n }\n }\n return o.join('\\n');\n }),\n (r.prototype.visitTeXAtomNode = function (t, e) {\n var r = this.childNodeMml(t, e + ' ', '\\n');\n return (\n e +\n '
')\n );\n },\n 'www.mathjax.org',\n )),\n (this.help = new p.Info(\n 'MathJax Help',\n function () {\n return [\n '
MathJax is a JavaScript library that allows page',\n ' authors to include mathematics within their web pages.',\n \" As a reader, you don't need to do anything to make that happen.
\",\n 'Browsers: MathJax works with all modern browsers including',\n ' Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, and most mobile browsers.
',\n 'Math Menu: MathJax adds a contextual menu to equations.',\n ' Right-click or CTRL-click on any mathematics to access the menu.
',\n 'Show Math As: These options allow you to view the formula's\",\n ' source markup (as MathML or in its original format).
',\n \"Copy to Clipboard: These options copy the formula's source markup,\",\n ' as MathML or in its original format, to the clipboard',\n ' (in browsers that support that).
',\n 'Math Settings: These give you control over features of MathJax,',\n ' such the size of the mathematics, and the mechanism used',\n ' to display equations.
',\n 'Accessibility: MathJax can work with screen',\n ' readers to make mathematics accessible to the visually impaired.',\n ' Turn on the explorer to enable generation of speech strings',\n ' and the ability to investigate expressions interactively.
',\n 'Language: This menu lets you select the language used by MathJax',\n ' for its menus and warning messages. (Not yet implemented in version 3.)
',\n 'Math Zoom: If you are having difficulty reading an',\n ' equation, MathJax can enlarge it to help you see it better, or',\n ' you can scall all the math on the page to make it larger.',\n ' Turn these features on in the Math Settings menu.
',\n \"Preferences: MathJax uses your browser's localStorage database\",\n ' to save the preferences set via this menu locally in your browser. These',\n ' are not used to track you, and are not transferred or used remotely by',\n ' MathJax in any way.
',\n ].join('\\n');\n },\n 'www.mathjax.org',\n )),\n (this.mathmlCode = new u.SelectableInfo(\n 'MathJax MathML Expression',\n function () {\n if (!r.menu.mathItem) return '';\n var t = r.toMML(r.menu.mathItem);\n return '' + r.formatSource(t) + '';\n },\n '',\n )),\n (this.originalText = new u.SelectableInfo(\n 'MathJax Original Source',\n function () {\n if (!r.menu.mathItem) return '';\n var t = r.menu.mathItem.math;\n return (\n '
' +\n r.formatSource(t) +\n ''\n );\n },\n '',\n )),\n (this.annotationText = new u.SelectableInfo(\n 'MathJax Annotation Text',\n function () {\n if (!r.menu.mathItem) return '';\n var t = r.menu.annotation;\n return (\n '
' +\n r.formatSource(t) +\n ''\n );\n },\n '',\n )),\n (this.zoomBox = new p.Info(\n 'MathJax Zoomed Expression',\n function () {\n if (!r.menu.mathItem) return '';\n var t = r.menu.mathItem.typesetRoot.cloneNode(!0);\n return (\n (t.style.margin = '0'),\n '